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Ur mum and dad are lesbian togeather

The is the worst insult know in existance. If anyone is heard saying it then their mum is ouctuple gay.

Paul: ur mum gay

Steve: no u

Paul: ur dad's a lesbian

Steve: ur mum and dad are lesbian togeather
Steve: (in shock he commits suicide)
Paul: (his mum is ouctuple gay)

by Sondog123 March 11, 2018

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ur mum and dad gae together lul

This insult is the WORST POSSIBLE insult in the entire existance of man. if one should say this the elder god himself will eat ur mum AND big chungus

Tom: U gay as hell brotha
Jeff: Ur Mum Gae

Tom ur pap a trap

Jeff: ur sister a mister

Tom: dont make me do it

Jeff: do it bish!!!!111!
Tom: Ur mum and dad gae together lul

Jeff and his mother and big chungus were eaten by the elder god and is ded

by Markdabetterer_M9 April 11, 2021

Your Mum, Your Dad, Your Grandma

A game where the victims three relations (Your Mum, Your Dad, Your Grandma) have to be dropped in a sentence without the victim noticing.
There should be a gap between You Dad and Your Grandma.

It can be countered by the victim at any point by saying the next relation, i.e. after Your Dad is said the victim can say Your Grandma.

……….I heard Your Mum got a new job……………….that’s funny I thought Your Dad was working in Stafford……………long pause………………Your GRANDMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (loud and exaggerated so everyone knows you lost Your Mum, Your Dad, Your Grandma)

by Yr Mum, Yr Dad......Yr Grandma March 2, 2011

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your mum pegs your dad

1: The phrase used to inform an individual that ones mother partakes in the act of penetrating ones father, usually in the rectal cavity, typically using an artificial, attachable phallic object, commonly referred to as a "strap on" see: pegging

2: A typical friendly response used in online gaming, particularly the hit fps moba by blizzard known as "Overwatch" to express ones disagreement against other players, can be accentuated with the term "cunt" used directly after the phrase.

3: A phrase used to politely end an unwanted conversation with another individual.

Example 1:

Nick: Hey Jim how you going.
Jim: Did you know your mum pegs your dad?
Nick: What do you meaaaaaaan?

Example 2:

Frez: Hey man your not doing anything on widow can you please switch?
Jim: Your mum pegs your dad you stupid cunt, shut up.
Frez: Now this is overwatch

Example 3:

Etho: Hey Jim , how you doin?
Jim: Your mum pegs your dad cunt, don't talk to me

by Single Muslim June 11, 2020

Suck ya Mum and finger ya Dad

Offensive term often used on trolls or people that piss Hannah off in the Bebahan stream.

"Go suck ya Mum and finger ya Dad"

by gzxy July 1, 2023

Just now mum and dad don’t let me cry and threatening me like dera dera I don’t like them

Just now mum and dad don’t let me cry and threatening me like dera dera I don’t like them

Just now mum and dad don’t let me cry and threatening me like dera dera I don’t like them

by sdinaz October 24, 2023