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some german weirdo from the 19th century who became today the hippest philosopher on earth. basically he mixes affected nihilism with pubescent fantasies of unlimited power. which is why all the smug middle class teenies and twentysomethings love him.

plus he is an atheist, which is soooo edgy in 2013.

nietzsche quote: god is gay and i'm the ubermensch with a giant cock!

WOOOOW, so deep, i'm gonna post this on facebook after watching clockwork orange and fight club for the 100th time!!!!

by dadadadadadama January 1, 2013

29πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A famous German philosopher who is constantly quoted by pseudo-intellectuals to make themselves sound smart. Also a man whos philosophies were adored and applied by Adolf Hitler.

Hey Jerry, I read Nietzsche. That means I know more about life than you do, so stfu noob.

by AStalwartCabbage December 14, 2004

46πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž


(n.): just another fucking monkey.

Some of the monkeys read Nietzsche, then the monkeys argue about Nietzsche without giving any consideration to the fact
that Nietzsche was just another fucking monkey.

by kohan69 April 29, 2007

28πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


Friedrich Nietzsche (pronounced Nee-cha; not Nee-che) is arguably one of the most misunderstood intellectuals of all time, and for good reason, because a lot of his work contradicts itself––I believe he does so on purpose. Arguably, to allow whomever reads his work to think for himself and not merely accept, on whim, his every insight--a very socratic way of teaching.

Nietzsche, in his literature, put forth enormous effort into critically analyzing and, in most cases, attacking institutions and ideologies that perverted man's desire to be an autonomous agent (such as attacking idolatry, dogmatism, and patriotism/jingoism to name a few). As much as he despised these institutions that buried man's desire to be the master of his own destiny, he also acknowledged the significance of their existence, because without knowing plight; suffrage; and mortality, man cannot become better than what he is; he cannot become the Übermensch (man in his ideal form––his plutonic form).

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." –Friedrich Nietzsche

by Mikhail Bakunin February 9, 2011

31πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Nietzsche is a litmus test for intellectual pimps. The definition of a free-thinker. Great souls love him, not just for his insights and aphorisms, but the way in which he said them. He doesn't ask you to blindly follow, but he charges you to grow. Cunts and cowards despise and dismiss him. Zealots misquote, misread, and shame him.

He was German. He loved Dostoyevsky. The field of psychology owes itself to him. He had a badass moustache. He led a conflicted life and had conflicting ideas like any complex person should. He gave a shit about your morals. His sister, and most every other woman in his life, was a bitch. He screwed a prostitute when he was a teenager and subsequently screwed his health for life.

He died crazy and alone, but if I could have met him, I'd have been his friend. And like every good friend, I'd sock you in the fucking mouth for talking shit to and about him whether he was in the right or not.

The quote everybody (including rappers now) uses:

"What does not kill you, makes you stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

by mgcmtn March 1, 2011

83πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


A 19th century German -speaking philosopher, philologist, and composer known among American academics as a cultural critic and forerunner to psychology while known among whiny high school students as a radical atheist.

Who would have foreseen a paper on Nietzsche as the greatest atheist would receive a failing grade? Only someone who actually reads up on the topic.

by The Goodman Scholar July 3, 2016


A german philosopher and satirist who stood against the institutions of the church and state at a time when it was dangerous to do so.

His famous concept,"God is dead" is usually misreferenced as meaning he believed god truly was physically dead. In reality, he believed in a god, merely that man's relation to god, and the tools man used to relate to god were dead. In other words, he said the institution of the church has killed the god within man; man's faith in god.

"...they know nothing of great accomplishment, great failure"
-Nietzche's Thus Spake Zarathustra

by Rick January 29, 2004

93πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž