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Ninth Ward

The Ninth Ward is a region of New Orleans, Louisiana that is located in the easternmost downriver portion of the city, gaining notoriety due to the catastrophic flooding it experienced during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. As a result, Ninth Ward is also a euphemism for the flooding or "downriver" that occurs when a woman is incredibly sexually excited.

That girl's pussy was so wet it was like the Ninth Ward.

I make that girl Ninth Ward wet.

by VaSgro April 9, 2013

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Bottom of the ninth

Noun - an event that takes place at a bar when you have struck out all evening and need to score. At this time you start looking for any member of the opposite sex to mack on and try to hook up with

Last night I was at the bar and it was the bottom of the ninth so I hooked up with some coyote just to get some.

by Bob Saget May 6, 2005

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ninth gate

The act of sexual intercourse during an eclipse.

Did you guys see the eclipse on Monday? Jenny and I pulled a ninth gate! It's okay, we had protection - we made sure to wear the special glasses!

by princesnoopy August 17, 2017

Ninth Wind

Southern slang for a wet fart. Typically demonstrated by anyone named Arthur or Tiffany.

Tiffany: *farts*
Person 2: oh God, that's a fucking ninth wind! My eyes! God my eyes!

by JKSedrow August 1, 2016

The ninth ring

The period of time you spend waiting to start partying or doing drugs of some sort.

Tim: God dude i fuckin hate waiting for this! when is the alcohol and weed gettin here, i wanna get fuckin smashed man!
Justin:Yea man me too. We're in the ninth ring right now. i hate the ninth ring.

by fuzydix November 24, 2009

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april ninth

National thot day. If you are born on this day, not only are you funny, nice and attractive but you are also a thot.

It’s April ninth! Let’s thot around!

by rehtomru October 16, 2019

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Ninth Finger

Ladies have eight fingers - not counting their thumbs - men meanwhile have nine!

Unlike the others the ninth finger isn’t located on either hand but instead can be found on a region just south of the belly button.

Unlike the other fingers it is abnormal in size and appearance, there is no finger nail, and when correctly stimulated limited excretion of a white milky liquid may occur.

The existence of the ninth finger has stumped clueless female virgins for millennia!

Put your pants back on boy! I don't want to see your ninth finger.

by Spirit-Chickadee December 6, 2010

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