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One way mission

A one way mission is military slang for a mission likely to produce extreme loss of life.

It looks like the orders are likely to be a one way mission, a suicide patrol.

by I, Wreckerrr October 12, 2016

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One way street

When you don't get treated with the same amount or love or respect. One sided affection.

I used to love this girl Cristina but I eventually found out it was a one way street kind of love.

by xMr KillSwitch February 4, 2019


Derogatory term for a gay person

A one-way-motorway is a man with a lust for men

by TopShaggerPeter May 24, 2020

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one-way talker

A person who talks AT you. A self-obsessed individual who lacks interest in anything someone else has to say.
(A key sign that you are talking to a one-way talker is when they start using names of people you clearly wouldn't know as if you did. Example: One Way Talker says "I was at work and Nancy was like..." and you sit there thinking "Who the fuck is Nancy?")

I was at this party last night and I met this lady who I was really into but then I realized she was a one-way talker so I just wound up getting really bored.

by Josh and Ben November 12, 2006

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One-Way Charlie

A badass nickname American sailors used to refer to the Japanese "Kamikaze" ("divine wind") pilots or aircraft during the last-ditch days of Imperial Japan in the Pacific theatre of World War 2 when Kamikaze attacks were at their peak. I was watching a documentary just now and an old American veteran was talking and off-handedly used this expression. I'm surprised it's not on Urban Dictionary yet because it is awesome and should probably be somebody's band's name by now or something.

"Shit, Jimmy, Move that gun we got a one-way charlie inbound on the port side!"

by Somehistorynerd February 20, 2014

one-way erection

A particularly raging penile erection that you feel will not subside of its own accord, but rather requires ejaculation in order to deflate. A one-way erection has path-dependance unlike a typical erection.

Hey baby, this is a one-way erection. You'd better sort that out because I don't want to end up with blue balls.

by HirdysPregnantNanny June 26, 2017

one-way friendship

A friendship thats only true to half the people involved.

Josh thought Craig was really friends with him, but realized it was a one-way friendship after Craig threw him in the trash can.

by Sue Doe Nymm February 19, 2009

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