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open relationship

1. Usually a long-distance relationship where the couple still want to be together, but one or both of them also wants to see other people. Occasionally used to test their partner. Sometimes causes heartbreak, especially when:

A: One person falls for the new person they hooked up with and falls out of love with their long distance partner.
B: When the person in the long distance relationship didn't tell the new person that he/she was already in a long distance relationship before dating said person, i.e cheating.

2. A polyamorous relationship.

1. Girl: "Okay, we gotta talk. I really do love you, and I wanna stay together, but I'm in college now and 100 miles away from you. I still love you, but I want to meet other people while I'm in there. So, let's make this an open relationship, okay?


A: Guy: Ugh, I can't believe I agreed to an open relationship, now she left me for some player!

B: Girl#1: "Man, I can't believe that he actually dumped me for this chick in college!"

Girl#2: "Ouch. Didn't you know? He is in an open relationship with her."

2. Girl#1: I heard that Jack is in an open relationship, isn't that crazy?! He walks around holding two girls hands like he owns them!
Girl#2: Well, hey. At least he's not cheating on them.

by Lily101 March 13, 2009

189๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

open relationship

A euphemism describing a relationship in which one or more participates are cheating.

Dude, I heard your girlfriend slept with John, why are you still with her?
Nah, it's cool, we're in an open relationship.

by skrewler February 13, 2010

4937๐Ÿ‘ 6098๐Ÿ‘Ž

open relationship

is ideal to have when two people are too far away from each other to have a real relationship, but still like each other. It's a way to see other people if the "need" arises, but still keep feelings for the one far away. However, it is especially important that you DO tell when you see someone else.

Near: Hi Far, what did you do last night?
Far: I totally hooked up someone last night.
Near: WTF! You slut, whore, bitch! I can't believe you!
Far: But we have an open relationship.
Near: Oh, I forgot.
Far: And it didn't mean anything. He wasn't that good anyway.
Near: Oh, okay...
Far: I still like you.
Near: I like you too, I suppose.
Far: Awesome, I'm happy we're still together.
Near: Yea.

by Not Near April 27, 2008

155๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž

open relationship

some gay ass status on facebook that girls put up with one of their friends to hide their real relationship status. this is frustrating, because you never know if they're single, or if they have a hookup and/or friend they don't want people to know about. usually its just so that they can play the field though

in an open relationship with insert good friends name here

by dt'er November 1, 2006

198๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž

open relationship

Just another excuse to be a slut or playa.

I like you alot Tommy but I also would like to be in an open relationship Jason, Alex, Rodney, Corey but you are my favorite because they provide good sex. But you are my favorite!

by Evil Hamburger September 19, 2005

198๐Ÿ‘ 295๐Ÿ‘Ž

open relationship

A " slut", probably has every STD to " mankind". In other words.. a " nasty" girl. :) A girl who can't commit, and likes to steal other people's crushes/ boyfriends and acting promiscious to " spite" because because she has a " black heart". Someone you deffo don't want to be around with, or be friends with. She'll steal your man, and sleep with her and back stab you, and provoke fights and tell lies about you. Also known as a " ghetto chick".

Jaque is a nasty girl, she's trying to win Jason's heart while she's in a open relationship. He's rejected her thousands of times due to being dirty, and hideous to the sight. He likes Angela for her mind, and not her body. It's also her Destiny. It's her father/ husband. It's Destiny's Child.

by Minialba03 February 24, 2016

21๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

open relationship

This is when two people who love eachother very much decide that they will continue to love eachother while having the experience of kissing other people. (This is sometimes used to test their true emotions / feelings for the other person.) This is most often used in college.

NO example is necessary, because this can be used differently depending on the situation.

by Amanda B. July 24, 2005

100๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž