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A super smart person who is very pretty and has many lovers and many friends and usually is the most popular person. Very rich and has kindness to all animals. Makes her own games and is popular in the world. Orla is a Celtic word for golden princess/sunshine. This is why Orla is like this.

Woah, she's so awesome. She must be an Orla.

by WATCHMEWORK September 25, 2018

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


ORLAAAAAAA STUNNING, will throw u in a bush, but in a nice way. AGRESSIVEEE, throws twigs at your face, sometimes makes marks, lives your mom, but an amazing friend. XXXX BEUTTT

Girl: omg orla is QUEEN, id totally date her
Orla: you have my number princess xxπŸ˜‰

by Your pusSey January 24, 2022

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Orla is a beautiful girl with a stunning personality who is contested to be the next face of world Buissness a Gryffindor in every way Orla is as brave as they get, she sticks with you through thick and thin and will be there to the very end

There's that beautiful one wmi was talking about wait what's her name again? Oh yeah it was Orla!

by Susissfalloutt October 11, 2018

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Woman with biggest most voluptuous ass of all time, gorilla grip capabilities & also sexy

Orla is sexy

by @peachgirl November 23, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Her name comes from Irish origin.
She is so nice and smart and is always willing to help someone out. She is the mother in a group of friends and makes sure everyone is okay. She is beautiful inside and out and loves to solve problems. Sometimes she lets her curiosity get the better of her and this makes her seem nosy. When you get to know her she is crazy and has lots of energy. She always looks at the positives and helps other people see the positives. She is smart when solving problems and uses her common sense. She is quite funny and has lots of good jokes. She is also very competitive because she is so smart. She is good with advice as well. So if you know an Orla keep her because she is such a funny and smart friend

Person 1 she is so smart
Person 2 she’s an Orla

by Dancingunicorns December 15, 2019

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


smart, creative, constantly undersells her abilities
hot as hell
silly <3

fjbrsbsbrshgr ilu orla

by KACM_KHz June 22, 2023


Thee bitchiest most horrible person my eyes have ever had the displeasure to see. She has awful argument skills and just repeats the phrase "Thats your opinion".
Her voice goes right throught you and she never ever ever shuts up ever.
Someone please send her some miracle grow please.

That girl is such an orla.

*in an argument* Wow dont go all orla on me.

by ugma October 6, 2009

57πŸ‘ 303πŸ‘Ž