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out of blue

"Out of the blue" is an informal English language idiom that describes an event that occurs unexpectedly, without any warning or preparation. It is used as an adverb. The "blue" in the phrase refers to the sky, one from which a sudden thunderstorm is unexpected.

Even we never talk to each other before, she decides to see me out of blue.

by Imsohangri March 9, 2018

56👍 5👎

Poetry Out Loud PTS Blues

when your high school forces you to get up in front of your class or in some cases entire school to recite a shitty poem regardless of social anxiety or not. Symptoms occur when you did a horrible job from shaky movements, horrible eye contact, and forgotten lines resulting in a buzz that makes you want to vomit and die.

Person 1: How did you do in the Poetry Out Loud?
Person 2: Not too good man. I got the Poetry Out Loud PTS Blues.
Person 1: I do too. Wow our high school hates us.

by Refreshelover83 December 20, 2017

out of the blue


Anyone just have insane diarrhea out of the blue?

by QAnon Quid Pro Queef October 13, 2022