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cheating on your partner, typically when your current partner doesn't give you what you need.

buddy: 'outsourcing again?'
he: 'yeah, she swallows...'


buddy: 'outsourcing again?'
she: 'yeah, he has a car'

by little-miss can't do wrong March 10, 2007

58👍 24👎


To send Jobs to another country, making our county vulnerable to Socialistic influences.

Outsource Mitt to Iran!

by Lennie Mahler killer August 5, 2012

10👍 4👎


A thing Trators do all so thjey can make more money, Anybody who supports them is eith brain dead, or in league with them.

Outsourcing hurts the USA and helps China

by Simon Hawthorne October 10, 2006

30👍 27👎


The natural result of governments and unions making it too expensive for a company to employ workers in it's country of origin.

We can no longer afford all the red tape and taxes the American government makes us deal with when we employ American workers, so we're outsourcing to India.

by Billy October 27, 2004

23👍 43👎


Fancy word for cheap labour.

Outsourcing makes it possible for small businesses and freelance workers survive in this tough times.

by Viast April 14, 2015

3👍 3👎

marital outsourcing

Outsourcing is farming work out to an external entity that can do it cheaper or more effectively. Marital outsourcing is the same concept applied to marital relations. Numerous service providers are able to perform services on demand often more effectively and at a lower "total cost"

David: What was Eliot Spitzer thinking?
Mark: Marital Outsourcing. Better service, lower cost.
David: Lower cost? He spent thousands of dollars!
Mark: You ever calcualate how much us married guys pay on a per event basis?
David: Touche.

by Jamison313 April 17, 2008

42👍 2👎

Social Outsourcing

An act, typically by extremely extroverted social climbers that involves the filling of a void in their social lives and/or social circle with a person(s).

**In most cases this requires the replacement (whether it be temporary or permanent) to emulate at least 3 core traits of the original spot-holder.

Socialite #1
"so I heard through the grapevine Jenna is hanging out with that Skylar chick now that her and Kelly had a falling out...whats up with that...she said she hated her and thought she was fake bitch...?"

Socialite #2
"well, you know how it is...social outsourcing: For those times you and your bffs (see: best friend for show) break up and you need someone to fill the void--post haste
and for very cheap!"

"..also she likes the same pretentious indie/dance bands, and is a superficial fashion obsessed bitch too...go figure. They should've been besties from the start"

Socialite #1
"yeah..well...we hate people who remind us of ourselves."

Socialite #2
"true indeed, mate...but it's mostly self-loathing F'kin hipsters. *swigs from a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon*"

Socialite #1
"rightly said. btw....aren't we american?"

by madaoxsama February 12, 2010

2👍 2👎