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Paulitical pandering

verb: 1) When a political figure disingenuously uses the platforms of Congressman Dr. Ronald Ernest Paul, incongruous with their track record, to curry favor with anti-establishment voters. 2) LOSING.

During his most recent speech Mitt Romney attempted paulitical pandering when he espoused the ideas of freedom and liberty and mentioned the founding fathers - rhetoric characteristically unique to Ron Paul. Unfortunately, Ron Paul supporters are not persuaded by paulitical pandering since most actually have adopted a hardcore sentiment of support for Dr. Paul otherwise known as No One but Paul.

by 1stAmendguy January 26, 2012

2👍 1👎

Paulite fall out

The act of someone posting comments that are pro-Paulite and generally as an angry response to posts or web discussions that 1. are critical of presidential candidate Ron Paul, 2. supportive of other presidential candidates, 3. mentions or alludes to other presidential candidates but not Ron Paul, 4. that question, in any way, the views or philosophies of presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Paulite fall out is often delivered in a rapid succession of posts, comments and anonymous flames that repeat the basic Ron Paul campaign ideology but are not in themselves conductive toward constructive discussions. The practice is not officially endorsed or sanctioned by the Ron Paul campaign.

The video was humorous but received nothing but Paulite fall out.

Our thread has been littered with Paulite fall out.

Apparently some think my blog is their personal Paulite fall out.

by redPooka February 8, 2012

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