Source Code

peter griffin

Age: 42
Occupation: Factory worker / Fisherman

Peter is the man of the house, although only by default. He is married to Lois, the woman he fell instantly in love with when he first saw her at her Aunt's summer house where he was working as a towel boy.

He is a bit slow at taking in information and often makes rash decissions. If Peter tries to sort out a bad situation, it usually gets worse.

Peter is employed at the Happy-Go-Lucky Toy Factory in Quahog by Mr. Weed. His favorite past-times are drinking beer with his friends at the Drunken Clam, and watching television.

Peter Griffin is great charcter on family who really keeps the show going.

by d'fo April 21, 2004

622๐Ÿ‘ 242๐Ÿ‘Ž

Peter Griffin

Someone who thinks they are a genius, but are, in fact, mentally retarded.

Peter Griffin: I am a genius! In your face Brian! I'm a g-e-a-n-y-i-s!
Brian: No, actually you're not. Actually Peter, it says here that you're mentally retarded.
Peter: I'm mentally re-what-ed? Brian, I'm a genius!
Brian: No Peter, you're a retard.
Stewie: Brian's right father, you're a retarded man. I'm a damn baby and I'm 1,000 times smarter than you.
Peter: You're just mad that I'm way more smarter than you is.
Brian: You're a fucking retard!
Peter: Wait, what were we talking about again Brian?

by Icy Wyte June 27, 2018

48๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

peter griffin

The main character of the show Family Guy, the man of the Griffin family. Works in the Happy-Go-Lucky toy factory, and hangs out with his friends Quagmire, Joe, and Cleveland.

"Can't touch me/ STOP, Peter time/ I'm a big shot, there's no doubt/ light a fire then pee it out/ Don't like it, kiss my rump/ Just for a minute, let's all do the bump/ Can't touch me/ Yeah, do the Peter Griffin Bump/ Can't touch me/ I'm Presidential Peter/ Interns think I'm hot/ Don't care if you're handicapped, I'll still park in your spot/ I've been around the world/ from Hartford to Back Bay/ It's Peter, Go Peter, I'm so Peter, Yo Peter, Let's see Regis rap this way/ Can't touch me."

by --Meatwad-- November 27, 2004

343๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž

Peter Griffined

A deadly sucker punch to the throat causing severe swelling to the esophagus.

Man Chad got Peter Griffined at the party last night by Brittney!

by Hammond25 February 7, 2021

peter griffin

main character of the best show out there....Family Guy

Pea....tear....griffin....Peter Griffin!

by ill bavid March 14, 2005

314๐Ÿ‘ 197๐Ÿ‘Ž

Peter Griffin

The absolute best animated character ever. He stars in the absolute best animated show ever, Family Guy. I am obsessed with that show. If anyone disses Family Guy in my presence, I become very, very angry, and generally do things that I later regret.

Peter Griffin lives with his wife, Lois, and his three kids, Chris, Meg and Stewie, in Quahog, Rhode Island (and sometimes Petoria). He works at Happy-Go-Lucky Toy Factory.

I salute him.

One of Peter Griffin's quotes:

"But still this house is freak-in' sweeeeeeeeeet!!"

by Ben Kenobi May 30, 2005

290๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž

Peter Griffin

1. The main character from the TV show "Family Guy". Has a wife (Lois), three kids (Chris, Meg, and Stewie), and a dog (Brian).

2. A German disco singer from the late 70's-early 80's. His real name was Peter Kamp. Some of his hits are "Spiderman", "Step By Step", and "Inside Out"

1. Peter Griffin is freakin' sweet!

2. Peter Griffin made groovy songs!

by swat1975 September 5, 2008

65๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž