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The Michael Phenomenon

A strange occurrence whereby a number of factors lead to an individual not ever being friend-zoned. The individual is always single and likely not looking for anyone, but is unable to create a friend-zone. They are always very good looking and good around members of the opposite gender.

"No one seems to just want to be friends with me. I just don't get it."
"Are you looking for anyone?"
"No, not really."
"I think you are experiencing the Michael Phenomenon."

by StrangeManInATux101 April 7, 2014

Ventosity Phenomenon

when you fart or shit yourself on a ventilated seat in the car and the smell blows back into your face.

When the stink was so bad in the car, I asked Rene- did you fart? He responded 'yes, about 10 minutes ago--because I just turned on the ventilated seat you are experiencing the ventosity phenomenon

by catboxIII February 23, 2022

Ventosity Phenomenon

when you fart or shit yourself on a ventilated seat in a car and the stench blows back in your face.

Paul asked Rene, what is that stench, did you fart? Rene responded--yea about 10 minutes ago, but I just turned on the ventilated seat, so your experiencing the Ventosity Phenomenon

by catboxIII February 23, 2022

car phenomenon

1. a supernatural event where a car approaches and causes delay only when one looks to cross the street or to walk around a car parked next to the curb; while walking along the curb and not crossing the street, cars are not present.
2. may also occur while driving; event where a car approaches one's vehicle only when attempting to move to another lane or when pulling out of traffic.

Ex. 1
Lenny: Darn. Looks like we'll have to walk around the car. Crap, here comes a car. We'll have to wait- again.
Shawn: Jesus! This car phenomenon is out of control.

Ex. 2
Hector: Alright, we have 3 minutes to get to Sarah's house. (signals and looks over left shoulder to check for cars) Not again!
Erin: What's wrong?
Hector: The car phenomenon! The light just turned green and 20 cars are coming. Ugh!

by supernintendo_chalmers April 3, 2006

49๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flipper Phenomenon

The feeling of disappointment an adult experiences upon revisiting a favorite childhood film or television show and realizing that it is, and always has been, an enormous pile of shit with no hope for redemption. Nevertheless, some aesthetically retarded Hollywood producer will inevitably try to remake it someday.

Guy 1: I just watched Red Dawn on TNT... remember that one from the 80's? Where the Supreme Soviet gets a wild hair up its ass and decides to invade Colorado for no apparent reason?

Guy 2: Oh yeah, I loved that movie as a kid! Did it hold up after all these years?

Guy 1: No way, dude... total Flipper Phenomenon!

by Pavlov's Cat March 1, 2011

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Steven's Phenomenon

When one complains about or asks for help to solve a problem and the problem immediately fixes itself.

Son: Mom! Can you help me with the TV?

Mom: Yes, what's wrong with it?

Son: Never mind, it just turned on. Wow Steven's Phenomenon always works!

by SwM June 20, 2014

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ventosity Phenomenon

when you fart or shit yourself on a ventilated seat in the car and the smell blows back into your face.

When the stink was so bad in the car, I asked Rene- did you fart? He responded 'yes, about 10 minutes ago--because I just turned on the ventilated seat you are experiencing the ventosity phenomenon

by catboxIII February 23, 2022