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National Take Naked Pictures Day

November 6th is National take naked pictures day take some naked pictures share them or just save them in your phone whatever you feel like

Person 1: Wow my titties look great I’m gonna post them on my close friends for national take naked pictures day

by Fsctual334 November 6, 2022

1👍 4👎

National take a picture of Aiden day

This is a day where you take a great picture of you friend aiden!!

Today is national take a picture of aiden day!

by Savvy336 April 23, 2021

Wanda Profile Picture Banishment Day

On the 12th of December, all Wanda profile pictures will be banned from all Discord servers.

Looks like Wanda Profile Picture Banishment Day is coming soon.

by Soooo true December 11, 2021

Half-Face Picture Day

October 20th is National Half-Face Picture Day, send your contacts a picture of half your face!

John: “Hey send me a picture of Half your face!”
Stacy: “Why”
John: “Today is October 20th, it’s Half-Face Picture Day”

by Mr. Half-Face October 20, 2020

Embarrassing Picture Day

On the 2 and 3 of October Post some embarrassing picture's of anyone close to you( best friend, enemy, friend, mom, dad, sister, brother, boyfriend, girlfriend etc.) :just anyone you know.post the pics on Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp or Facebook

Oh no today is national post embarrassing picture day my friend might post some of me


by Jolyeen johnson October 2, 2019

National Send Titty Picture day

July 7th is National Send Titty Picture Day. Make sure u send your friends your best nudes

Today is National Send Titty Picture day

by James Thomas July 7, 2022

National send your girlfriend a shirtless picture day

May 16th- when you send your girlfriend a shirtless picture

Whats today?

Oh its national send your girlfriend a shirtless picture day
Thanks! Almost forgot

by ayton627 May 16, 2021