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pig squeal

a form of vocalism used by metal bands. usually made by inhaleing but sometimes they are exhaled making the users throat vibrate to create the sound of a pig squealing. the most common thing to say while pig squealing is bree.

DUDE! job for a cow boy has crazy pig squeals!!!

by matt duimie August 19, 2008

22πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

pig squeal

the noise made when you get your ring piece rogered by a big retarded inbred banjo playing shit-kicker

you got a real purdy mouth you lil pig squealer.. open up and pray on this

by tartanbeastie February 14, 2004

26πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

squealing pig

This is where you are hitting a girl doggy-style and you are blowing on her butt hole to dry it out. Once you have reached the point of dryness you pull out and with a sharp hard thrust you stick it in her anally and listen to her squeal like a pig.

Sex was getting to ordinary so i turned my girl into a squealing pig

by hotactioncock September 21, 2009

10πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A modern metal vocal technique that can be achieved by inhaling or exhaling. (Don’t use inhales.)

Pig-squeal - breeeeeeeeee

by DASII February 5, 2018