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A pitcher is a guy who prefers to fuck another dude's asshole to get his rocks off.

I'm versatile, but Matt is definitely a pitcher!

by USAF Cadet October 2, 2021

129๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž


commonly diagnosed on little league and high school baseball teams, this is a crippling condition that leaves a pitcher unable to perform tasks requiring physical or mental stress the day before, of, or after pitching

"Hey, why isn't Kevin running with us today?"
"Dude, I heard he came down with a nasty case of pitcheritis. We should probably just leave him alone before his start tomorrow."

by K-Sheezy April 28, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tent Pitcher

An adult search engine used for finding pornographic web sites, images and videos on the World Wide Web.

The wife's away, I think I'll go find some porn on Tent Pitcher.

by tomasina March 30, 2012

83๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Pitcher Plant

Noun- when you are just about to nut so you spread your foreskin apart (on the tip so it can catch it) and nut into the air so it falls into your foreskin, catching it like a pitcher plant catches a fly.

โ€œYo bro last night I was jacking off to hentai and I did The Pitcher Plant, it sucked to clean it out though.โ€

by CoochieManCoochieCan March 17, 2020

pitcher catcher

In a relationship between two men, the pitcher would be defined as the partner who is throwing the bat down the catchers hole. The catchers is the receiver of the pitchers bat as defined in the above sentence.

Would you like to play pitcher catcher with me?

by Extreme Psycho 1 July 4, 2017

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

catcher or pitcher

Term used by homosexual men to ask other men whether they are a "top" or a "bottom" during sexual activities. Catcher refers to the "bottom," while pitcher refers to the "top."

John: Catcher or pitcher?
Bob: Catcher.
John: Let's get to know each other better.
Bob: OK.

by Some old dude October 12, 2007

492๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pitchers Mound

Like third or fourth base, Pitchers Mound is a status regarding sexual activity. It is not in direct relation to the other bases of a couples sexual interaction, rather an independent stage of physical play.
It is the act of punching your partners crotch area (Usually with surprise). You continuously punch the others genitalia -- as if with each strike of contact (from fist to delicate reproductive tissue) you receive an extra point. Sure -- they may resist, and at the same time try to punch yours, but unlike hitting a "home-run" (resulting with both partners taking out a great deal of pleasure) there is only one winner within each session.
The difference between reaching Pitchers Mound and ferociously hitting the human-juice out of your mate's reproductive organ is that it is fun and safe. I tend to yell "Pitcher's Mound!" while I enact a harsh blow to my girlfriend's vagina. Only a Chad would injure another's crotch area without warning or playful desire.

Kyle: "Emma, what do you want to do? We have already passionately accomplished the four bases a hundred times."

Emma: "Well, we haven't done Pitchers Mound yet."

Kyle: "Pitcher's Mound!" (Kyle strikes Emma's Vajayjay with a Mexican undercut, the dirtiest of all the undercuts)

Emma: "Fuck! My Vajayjay is bleeding. I guess you win Kyle."
"P.S You're Hawt."

Kyle: "Because I won like a boss, I am going to incorporate this event in my definition on Urban dictionary."

by AnalMonster666 February 18, 2015

28๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž