Source Code

Toilet Polio

When sitting on the toilet for an extended period of time causes one or both legs to go numb therefore inhibiting you to walk for a short time after.

Pepe: "AHHHHHHH i can’t feel my legs"
George: "Well, how long have you been on the toilet?"
Pepe: "half an hour max"
George: "No shit you gone and got yourself some Toilet Polio."

by I only wipe once February 5, 2011

Polio Day

1. The day spent in bed nursing a hangover

2. Following a night of heavy drinking/debauchery you might spend the next day sitting in bed watching day-time TV or re-runs from the comfort of your bedroom

3. Being so hungover or ill that you are unable to physically move your legs and leave the bed


1. The day after his 21st Birthday, Chris had a Polio Day and spent his time watching all of Dexter Season 2.

2. The Dickinson College student was so sick after a night of drinking that the entire next day was a Polio Day and he did not move his legs once.

by CC89 July 11, 2011

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Marco Polio

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's favorite game, often played at executive pool parties and other shindigs.

An average game of Marco Polio...

"Hey, fish out of wheelchair!"
"Dammit Truman..."

by SCBacon March 13, 2010

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

bathroom polio

Bathroom Polio occurs when a indviduals feet go numb or "fall asleep" from sitting on the toilet too long.

I had to stomp my feet after taking a big dump to make get the feeling back in them-worst case of bathroom polio I've had in years!

by Cokeduprednek June 25, 2007

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bowling polio

When you're sitting on the shitter making a bowling trophy for a minimum of two hours and either reading the paper or playing on your phone. Then, when you try to get up you realize you can't walk because your legs are numb.

After I made a bowling trophy on the shitter I played angry birds for too long and when I got up I realized I couldnt walk because of bowling polio.

by wordsmith galore December 18, 2014

Mexican Polio

The hangover after a night of drinking tequila and copping feels on prostitutes.

Yo man, I woke up with the worst Mexican Polio today. Tell your mom I said "what's up."

by Lav Dogg October 25, 2011

Commode Polio

When you sit on the commode too long and your ass and/or legs go to sleep.

I've been sitting here for 45 minutes waiting on this monster turd, now I have a raging case of commode polio.

by firerescue127 August 29, 2010