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Sierra Dallas

Sierra claims that everyone else is pompous, but in reality she is.

by BittersweetBurn November 10, 2016

15๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something stupid people call intelligent people if they use a word they don't understand.

U is sew pompous! (what does expound mean?)

by jwattie July 21, 2014

64๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pompous Ass

A person who seems full of themselves and who grabs every opportunity to let others know of their feelings of superiority.

This professor sounds like a complete pompous ass. (See from time 3:00 of this recording: soundcloud dot com/kingston-university/music-at)

by Artressa September 1, 2011

343๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

pompous windbag

One who loves the sound of their own voice so much they have convinced themselves they actually know what they are talking about. They often take jobs which will allow them to talk and give them a captured audience, such as a Psychology teacher.

Dr. Nicodemus is such a pompous windbag. We could have learned everything he spent an hour talking about in five minutes. He sure does love the sound of his own voice.

by captive audience member March 3, 2010

66๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pompous Pep

"Pompous Pep," otherwise known as "Endangered Species," is a euphemism for the Vlad/Danny slash ships in the Danny Phantom fandom. Most ships have code names of this sort (Skulker/Danny is Callous Quarry; Walker/Danny is Jail Bait; Clockwork/Dan is Meddling Minutes) so as to make searching for stories with that pairing easier for fans.

For example, a lot of stories might have the words "Vlad" and "Danny" in the description, but more often than not those are father/son fics. Likewise, Skulker is always chasing Danny, and Dan is hardly ever seen without Clockwork right behind him. This is just a simple mechanism the fans created to simplify searching for their favorite pairings, though most fans would like to viciously strangle whoever came up with the sometimes less-than-appealing names.

Girl 1: I was reading some Pompous Pep the other day, and it was so cute! And Danny was TOTALLY trying to molest Vlad, and... o3o
Girl 2: Stop. Just stop. -__-
Girl 1: T^T

by SkulFetish May 11, 2008

105๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

pompous jackass

A pompous jackass is a person who is often enough bigger than they appear. They are full of themselves and at every opportunity will inform others of their position and the level of authority they have (or think they have). When in reality they are just merely an individual who has no common sense but find themselves to be superior to everyone else. Oh and they never take the blame when they mess up.

Hey have you met Erika?
Yea, she is being a real douche to her workers.
Oh yea, that's her...she is really just a pompous jackass that no ones likes.
I feel bad for her workers.
Don't worry, she has something coming her way.
(Leave laughing!)

by YouMessedWithTheWrongKid November 29, 2013

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

pompous prick

someone who thinks they are the shit, gods gift to the world when indeed they are no where near anything to that.

Samantha Anne is a mondo pompous prick

by j, March 11, 2009

92๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž