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pop ups

the one thing that makes me wanna kill. that makes me wanna grab the dudes nuts who invented it and rip them off with my teeth then stick a screw driver all the way in his urethra and force him to drink 5 gallons of water, straight up piss, vodka and soda. good luck peeing pop up faggot

i hate pop ups more than anything in the world. well theres a few things i hate more..

by urmomshott August 22, 2004

78πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

pop ups

annoying bastards who make them

once youve seen one pop up your in shit.

(stan)-damn a pop up
(bob)-damn your computers fucked i dont want to be your friend any more bye
(stan)- im gonna kill myself (bang bang)

by jason March 15, 2004

41πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

pop up

Those browser windows that open automatically when I...I mean, when people in general used to look for porn online before you could get it on Kazaa and places like that.

I was so horny but I just kept getting flooded with pop ups!

by sugarbob April 28, 2003

118πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


the most annoying thing ever on the internet.ever.

I would like to find the guy who invented pop-ups, and strangle him!

by komenda April 5, 2006

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

pop up

a sexual game in which a group of guys and girls gather round and the men sit down with thier pants around their ankles. The women then can do anything to the men but touch their penis. The object is to see who "pops up" last. the women are competing to see who can turn the men on the quickest. Or you can play it reversed where the last guy to become aroused wins.

Hey everyone! Let's play pop up!

by dragonchick83 September 21, 2006

75πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

pop up

pop up often used on Snapchat means that person wants you, or anyone, to message them.

someone pop up

by 101010101011010100010101010 January 30, 2018


Short-term stores or temporary retail spaces that sell food or merchandise.

I saw on Instagram that Kanye West has this pop-up in Brooklyn selling everything Kanye West, and they’re giving free Rose tastings. It’s there til Friday. Let’s go!”

by primalscreamer April 16, 2019