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Reagan Postulate

Referring to the famous Ronald Reagan philosophy: "Drunk cigs don't count."

This cigarette doesn't count due to the Reagan Postulate.

by isolated kitten January 3, 2022

Postulate of the sexes

When forced to choose between either a male or female to have with on a stranded island, it is best to choose a female because you can eat a female without killing her.

Ay yo, I'm about to be stranded on an island, can you help choose some one to bring with so I can cannibalize them at some point.

Well acccording to the postulate of the sexes you should choose a female so you can eat her without killing her.

by Tar baby people December 7, 2010

The Will Ferrell Postulate

The Will Ferrell Postulate. There is a tight correlation between the number of times someone has seen a Will Ferrel movie and whether they like said movie. For example, a person who has seen Anchorman once, will most likely say they think it is the worst movie ever made. However, someone who has watched Anchorman more than once will likely say it was hilarious. You can prove this postulate to yourself with a simple experiment: find a friend who is a "Saw it once, Hate it."-type regarding a Will Ferrell movie, and ask them to watch it with you. You will witness them laughing at many points throughout the film. At the end of the film, do not ask them if they liked it, because at this point there is a period of confusion stemming from the fact that your friend knew very well that he or she hated the movie before watching it a second time, but this time he or she actually enjoyed it. It is a strange occurrence that your friend needs time to process mentally. Weeks later, do not ask your friend if he or she liked the movie directly, as people do not like to go back on their previous decisions and beliefs. Instead, address the issue by randomly quoting your friend's new favorite Will Ferrell movie. Not surprisingly, your friend will chuckle, and perhaps even follow up with another quote, thus revealing their fondness of the once hated Will Ferrell movie.

You can use the Will Ferrell Postulate to amaze your friends with a mind-reading trick. Ask your friend if he or she likes a certain Will Ferrell movie. If they say, "Yes," confidently tell them that they have seen that movie more than once. If they say, "No," confidently tell them that they have seen that movie only once.

by TheSciNerd1 January 17, 2012

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POS Postulate

A postulate in geometric systems concerning pieces of shit (POS) which states that when two or more POS's are in a group, the entire group as a whole becomes an even bigger piece of shit. Countless examples can be seen in everyday life, as this is a very common occurrence.

Yesterday when I was running, Mukul and Albert joined our group. Well, by the POS postulate we're all an even bigger piece of shit now.

by DistancedPOS December 21, 2011

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synchronous unequivocal postulate

A scientific formula designed to bring clarity to radio frequencies (per the radio frequency spectrum) by determining calculated degrees of readjustments, troubleshooting networks by ensuring the desired stations (hopset IDs) are in synch, and filtering out all discrepancies by reinforcing equilibrium to the respective signals between radio units.

LCpl Joe: "Hey I tried getting a radio check with you, but I hear static and the radio reads 'check synch input.' What's up with that?"
LCpl Dirt: "Well that's exactly it! Use the SUP method."
LCpl Joe: The what?
LCpl Dirt: "You know. SUP. Synchronous Unequivocal Postulate. It's another way to troubleshoot and establish your signal."
LCpl Joe: "Very well. Thanks man. I didn't learn that in comm school."

by jotahu April 30, 2016

Ron White Postulate

A basic tenet of male philosophy: "If you see one woman naked, you want to see the rest of them naked."

Fat, ugly chicks are rare exceptions to the Ron White Postulate.

by Gerald Busey April 22, 2008

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Thighler Skully Age Postulate

Also known as the T-SAP, this is known as the action of underachieving by going for girls younger than the girls you went for the previous year.

oh thats right, tyler likes them younger and younger that Thighler Skully Age Postulate-ing mofo

by SIGMA_ALPHA_OMEGA_BABYYYY December 10, 2010