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Prolonged Gamer Head

A disorder caused when someone who has had their eyes stuck so long on a videogame screen that when they command their player to look in a direction the actually turn their own head and then feel completely ashamed.

"Dude, where are you looking?"

"Sorry, I guess I've gotta a little case of Prolonged Gamer Head!"

by New FU A11 July 28, 2012

Prolonged grief disorder

Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) is a mental disorder consisiting a clearly separated set of symptoms following death of close one. Symptoms include Depression, Emotional pain, Loneliness, Identity disturbance. Difficult accepting loss is also common. No guarantee onset of PGD. Known risk factors include one-time incidents: Miscarriage, Death either by homicide or suicide, Death in hospital. Long-term predictors include: Childhood separation anxiety, Parental abuse, Emotional dependency. Tricyclic antidepressants alone or together with interpersonal psychotherapy ineffective in reducing PGD symptoms, and psychotherapy designed specifically for PGD has been proven to be beneficial.

Or in typical urban dictionary fashion: Prolonged grief disorder is a mental disorder where a player is destroying player's bases and stuff for their own pleasure

by Notmelol123 May 28, 2022

Technology prolonged shit

When you stay on the toilet for about an hour or more after you actually shit because you brought your smartphone, 3DS, vibrator, etc.

Welp, it's poopin' time!

*grabs smartphone*



*walks out to post-apocalyptic Earth*

Aw man, another technology prolonged shit.

by FistBomb060 February 23, 2014

1👍 1👎

go commit cease vital function necessary for the prolonging of one's physical being

The longest way to say go commit die

Trump: The longest way to say go commit die is now officially go commit cease vital function necessary for the prolonging of one's physical being
Robloxians: yeetus

by lightbulb5x March 3, 2019


Another word for "eventually"

"Gonna go to the kitchen prolonged-soon to get a sandwich but I'm currently lazy"

by Mr.Mac34 April 29, 2015