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Punk: Being your self and not giving a fuck what people think about you or say about you.

Im "punk" cuz i dont care What the Fuck you think

by Nubbling August 30, 2005

2239๐Ÿ‘ 745๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cool caveman music with a fuckyou attitude.Only real punks know the sounds associated with true punk.
It's really pretty undefinable but most people who think they know what it is or how it's supposed to sound usually have alot of wrong ideas about it thanks to Mtv in the 80's and beyond.
punk is all about being yourself, liking what you like, doing what you do and not having to live upto someone elses expectations, only your own. there is no dress code, hair colour or rules to be punk, since punk is about being true to yourself.
^^^fuck an A bud,that's right the fuck on!
People should just be them fuckin selves and stop being goth or emo or metal or black metal or death metal or punks or preps or jocks or twats or what the fuck ever else and just fuckin be cool and have some fuckin respect for one another.

punk is about not bein a punk
think,say,do,be what you want
listen to whatever fuckin music you like
dress however you want to dress
stop tryin to impress others so hard
stop trying to fit into any one particular fucking category so hard as this is the most anti-establisment thing you can do is not let anybody define you and categorize you and label you
You don't have to have a mohawk or tattoos or piercings,you don't have to do any motherfucking thing to fit in with any fucking body

by `fuck it , October 9, 2005

2238๐Ÿ‘ 796๐Ÿ‘Ž


TRUE: louder, faster form of rock and roll, often antiestablishment
FALSE: fast, tonedeaf pop-rock, often about relationships

TRUE: The Ramones
FALSE: Blink 182

by Anonymous February 10, 2003

11326๐Ÿ‘ 4636๐Ÿ‘Ž


Originally, jail lingo for a subservient, cuckolded inmate indebted to another for protection and in return obliged to perform favors both of a sexual nature and otherwise.
The term came to refer to the music and culture described above as young musicians and people in the late 70's and early eighties felt alienated by the incorporation of formerly anti-estaplishment hippie culture.

"Listen fish I didn't make sure Big Mink didn't shiv ya at mess for nothing. So now you better put on these pantyhose and get yo knees dirty right quick cuz you MY punk now, Betty..."

by joeneckbone August 11, 2005

579๐Ÿ‘ 239๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A "punk" was originally a tramp's young homosexual companion. In other words, a rent boy with no ethics.

It then mutated in meaning, via an insult connoting the same, to become a term for a ruffian (mid 20th century). It was in this sense it was used in Punk Rock from 1976 onwards.

2. TRUE: Someone who does what he or she wants because they like doing it, and not giving a fuck about what other people think.

3. FALSE: Someone who can't think for themselves, so imitates people from category 2 above, in an attempt to look kewl.

1. Punk was the English term for the French Apache - see George Orwell's Down & Out in Paris and London for details.

2. The most truly Punk thing that Johnny Rotten did was to quit the Sex Pistols and form PIL.

3. Busted were fake punks, who have now thankfully split up.

by Dr Pinch July 24, 2006

197๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


Punk is not a mohawk.
Punk is not mismatched Chucks.
Punk is not studded belts, leather, checkered patterns or any other kind of clothing.
Punk is not not sold, bought, or traded.
Punk sure as hell is not MTV.
Punk is not found at Hot Topic.

Punk is speaking out against society because you're pissed off and don't care what someone else thinks.
Punk is saying and doing what you want, when you want, how you want.
Punk is dressing however you want to dress, looking however you want to look, and listening to whatever music you want to listen to, not because it's popular or un-popular, but because it's what you want.
Punk is being selfish, greedy and conceited and admitting it with pride.
Punk is Awesome.

Poser: "Dude, are you listening to Rap? Where's your 'hawk, and your Chucks, and your Mork suspenders? You're a poser man!"
Punk: "Fuck you, I like Snoop. Now piss off before I go 187 with my dick in your mouth, beyotch."

by Anon The Mouse December 2, 2006

138๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


Its Not just the way you dress, its a mind set. There are a lot of posers Just dress punk, to look "cool". But its really a way of life, the way you think and act, NOT just the way you look.

And old granny Not mowing her front lawn when the council told her to is punk

by Shelly. January 15, 2006

352๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž