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Queen Mary University

A type of university that likes to accept international students and reject home students so that they can get more money

I heard the University of Illinois is Queen Mary University

by No_Quarter_for_them March 6, 2020

Queen of the Universe

THE Woman, NOT GIRL, that Rules the entire existance of any and everything. Including but not limited to all things Physical, Mental, emotional etc.

Kristi is the ~Queen of the Universe~

by KISSMeU August 7, 2006

7👍 11👎


Queen of the Universe Number 1

All of the Queens of the Universe have to acknowledge that the Queen of the Universe Number 1 has the most power over Earth including material, physical, emotional, spiritual and all of the Galaxies in the Universe. She is the ruler of all things that matter and her name is Krystyna.

by Nunuska June 27, 2020