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Operating an illegal business or scheme (a racket) in order to make a profit, perpetrated by a structured group.

He has a long criminal past, drug trafficking, arson, racketeering.

by sito88 April 4, 2014

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To be bombarded with Queries, Questions, Clarifications

I logged on to my email this morning and got 'Racketted'

by Johnno54321 July 19, 2011


Someone who Bribes, or a loan shark

Don't exploit inmates, don't be a racketeer

by Tank January 7, 2005

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The act of shoving a tennis racket up one's ass

Guy 1: Sup nigga, I heard you been racketeering with chur girl.
Guy 2: Yea nigga.

by LilBabyNigglets November 20, 2018

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To intentionally engage upon a topic or situation, either solely or collectively, of which may normally be viewed as, "objectionable," thus, reacting in such a way otherwise viewed as, "extraordinary," with the intent of the racketeerers' amusement. Racketeering is therefore, generally, a deviant behavior for the sole purpose of entertainment.

Somebody must have been racketeering on me when they served me this chicken. I'd say it's dryer than the Sahara Desert on leap year; situational, at best.

by 2Shey August 30, 2019

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Meat Racket

When you have powerful over sized hands of doom. A person with meat rackets can usually palm things in his/her hands, such as basket balls, bowling balls, and small cars.

Brad doesn't need any special equipment to play tennis. He just uses his meat rackets.

I got a high five from one of Brad's meat rackets. I should get the cast off in a few months.

by Dogtor November 30, 2011

meat racket

(n) A term, originating in Central Maryland, used to describe music disliked by the individual. The music in question can range from a single song to an entire music genre. This term is widely used in Howard County.

Tracy: Country music is such a meat racket; I can't stand it!

by srad September 21, 2014

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