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the name given to people who have beautiful red or orange hair. deprived from the word -orangutan. like orangutans rangas are more than often incredibly intelligent and caring people

i wish i had ranga hair!

by inawe222 March 18, 2011

78๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


A ranga is Australian slang for a red hair it is seen as an insult. Their characteristics are angry, blue eyes, orange freckles and red/orange hair.

Person 1: is that a ranga over there
Person 2: yeah
Person 1: then how does he have more than 1 friend???
Person 2: idk wanna kill it?
Person 1: sure

by KittyKutter73 June 10, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


caitlin waters

Me: hey ranga!
caitlin waters: stop fucking calling me that!

by yukno3wh0 July 17, 2009

180๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž


person with red/orange hair. derived from orangutan. australian slang.

oh my god, look at that ranga!

by bigbumhole69 October 2, 2016

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A descriptive term for a person with:
- orange hair (ranging from deep sandy coluour to burnt orange, (often described as "red" hair); and
- light complexion usually with dominant freckles, especially visible on the face.

Historic usage not intended to be derogatory - a term of endeerment. Similar example - "blonde" or "blondie".

Derived from the word orange or "oranger" - drawing from the typically orange hair and look.

Despite popular belief, the word ranga is not derived from "orangutan". These animals have a range of colours including browns, greys and reds, depending on gender, age, species, locale.

Mummy why are do they call that boy with the orange hair and freckles a "ranga"?

by Ridgemac July 18, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Me and my friend Izzy. We are the coolest people ever. Us rangas have many ranga powahhz which include burning fire, straightening/ironing/crimping/curling powahhz, and also giant scissor powahhz. i have eyeliner powahz also. Izzy doesn't though.
If you get too close to us, we'll either freak you out by yelling RANGAAAAAAA or burn you with our ranga powahhz. water makes our fire powahh stronger. blue fire is hotter than red fire.
We have a ranga symbol that all rangas should proudly wear. it is a small black heart about 1cm long with a red pen outline, worn on the index finger knuckle of the left hand.
wannabe rangas are "wrangas"
rangas that are failures (eg. fat, not proud of their ranganess, normal) are called retard failures. Yes, its very original.
Rangas should stay with their own kind and then mate so we can make ranga a true race.

*random multiple choice question on board*
one choice is "fire"
Izzy: FIREE!!!!
Teacher:the answer is fire
Marli: yeaaaaaaah! RANGAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Everyone else: WTF? ROFLCOPTER!
*Marli and Izzy are now rolling on the floor laughing at their ranga powahhz and everyone else is laughing at them*
Marli: heh heh we'll burn everyone with our fire powahh!

by marlixx January 4, 2008

80๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game created by some hip sydney chicks (Megan and Hobo) in which you punch the closest person when you see a ranga. Much like punch buggy but with rangas.

Megan: "Haha look at that ranga Bonnie" *punches*

by Megan and Hobo March 29, 2008

61๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž