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dirty recall

Pronounced (Durr-T-ReeK-all)

The act of washing ones penis and or scrotum with with a highly alcoholic solution of ethyl or isopropyl nature, most often taken after drunken intercourse with a dirtbag.

A dirty recall may be performed in the pour over top or penile insertion manner given a large enough opening.

The term dirty recall stems from the reaction that comes across a dirtbag when she reaches for her trusty scope the morning after and is unpleasantly surprised by a familiar taste.

BB1: Yo' good looks, aren't you worried about catching something from that dirtbag that you slept with last night?

BB2: Naw man, I scoped a dirty recall in her bathroom before we split.

by creamy-length April 26, 2011

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

brotal recall

An unruly mutated batch of bro's seeking to start the "Natty Reactor".

Doug: Remember that time at Mars' house we all got fucked up drinking when we started the Natty Reactor?

Richter: Hells yeah! I had soo much of that shit! Then Lori came over; she gives me a huge Kuato in my pants! I had to tap that!

Doug: Dude! It was complete Brotal Recall!!!

by Define Me! January 15, 2010

32πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Toyota Recall

A conspiracy made none other than by gm (government motors) or chrysler. And is further fueled by people who all of a sudden decide to jam their accelerators or floor mats under the pedals, thus causing "unintended" acceleration, while NOT choosing to shift into neutral, because they want to be on the six o'clock news to smear Toyota because they are all just a bunch of money and attention whores.

Bob: Hey, did you hear about the Toyota Recall?

Jim: Oh yeah, my buddy James who is full of shit jammed his pedal to the metal on his Prius.

Bob: OH MY, is he alright?

Jim: Yeah, just pending litigation.

by Banstaman April 12, 2010

48πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

total recall

The act of Totally Recalling somthing....ONLY JOKING!

Total Recall is in my opinion one of the best films to come out of the 80's. In fact, it really deserves to be atop the world of Sci-Fi movies but is undoubtedly shunned by the braindead critics who (sadly) shape/influence to opinions of today. People find that Arnold Schwarzenegger films are cheesy and therefore lack credibility in the eyes of "true" fans of film, however these idiots will find the money for the latest X-Men film on Blu-Ray.

Thankfully, Total Recall has retained a cult-status and continues to be enjoyed by many, many people.

Total Recall

by Deryntheman June 16, 2009

35πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Fart recall

This is when you have to fart but you pucker up and the fart travels back up your intestines. This is also known as the inner fart as it is called by monks. They go through a sprititual process where they eat beans and deny themselves the pleasure of farting. This has killed many that have tried.

Cans of beans were once required to give a warning in regards to fart recalls. The FDA established that anyone who is too stupid to fart should probably go ahead and die.

Man did you hear her stomach? I think she just had a fart recall.

Monk1: Is bob meditating?

Monk2: Yes he just ate a large can of busch beans.

Monk1: Wow he is going to have a huge fart recall. How spiritual......

by Wade Logan July 11, 2008

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

reaver recall

A particularly annoying StarCraft tactic that, while not as quick as zerg rush, is still usually fatal because it's hard to do shit about reavers suddenly appearing in your base.

"Nero fucking reaver recalled me to death."

by Nero January 2, 2004

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

mass recall

It's time to elucidate what peaceful town level civil rebellion is. Gather 500-1000 families and conduct mass recall of all sitting officials in your town. From there, ask county and state officials to step down. Needs to be locals in every town and simultaneous but it will work. @roadtoserfdom3 on Twitter

Man, I’m so sick of these corrupt ass eugenicist politicians trying to get me to go with Klaus Schwab’s bitch ass agenda! We need to MASS RECALL these bitch ass local politicians before it’s too late!

by RoadToSurfVille4 May 12, 2022