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The reason someone you are sleeping with doesn't want to make a real commitment.
They say it is because they don't want to let you down or hurt you;
but it's because they don't have the maturity to step up and
to be accountable to someone else. Usualy it is because they are self-absorbed and don't have their own shit together, so they use your feelings as an excuse.

Joe:" Hey, would you like to go out, or do you have a boyfriend?"
Missy:"I am seeing someone-kinda."
Joe: "It sounds like the dude can't handle responsibility."

by Lexie girl September 7, 2008

47๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


My "civic responsibility" is covered by the existence fee I pay every time I make money or spend money. If not, then what am I paying for?

Hym "Yeah, tell me more about my civic responsibility as I'm being gaslit by a one-eyed senator.... Hello? Nothing? I have a civic responsibility to make things better for people who refuse to even acknowledge my existence? Aside from the shrink, a senator is the last fucking person on the planet to be doing that in from of millions of people. You whole class, your entire upper echelon of society is just millionaires paying millionaires to continue being millionaires. And the barrier to entry? Arbitrary. People being denied due process and not being elevated based on merit? What are you doing about any of that? Nothing. What am I getting in exchange for my taxpayer dollars other than told to shut up and go fuck myself? Work at a fucking church. For all I know, the church is stealing my fucking ideas too! I don't know that I'm not already working for the church. Quit being a contrarian and work at a church."

by Hym Iam September 11, 2022


A character trait that embarrasses democrats and liberals, who use their activist judges to pass laws so minorities and bums will not be responsible for their actions.

The liberals say that society has to take responsibility for wiping the bum's nose, because he is not responsible for himself. This misses the point that he is a bum BECAUSE he refused to take responsibility.

by Sneaky Snyde May 28, 2005

123๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž


The price of democracy.

Chris: Aw, man! This country is pretty much a 3rd world country now that Rand Paul is President!
Rhys: Well don't blame me. You voted for him, not me. The price of democracy is responsibility.

by Anonymity1 May 19, 2015

11๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something some people prefer to leave to other people.

Anybody who would gladly help another person destroy their life, even if they are a family member, is not a friend but an enemy. While the person who ends up with a wreck will have to take (and get stuck with) all responsibility for all of it, that doesn't mean nobody else tried to fuck with lives and bring nothing but drama and adversity into somebody else's world.

by Solid Mantis May 17, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Responsibility = Guarantee and protect future prosperity for yourself and the next generation.

Prosperity is individually different and therefore a generation cannot fully guarantee and protect the next generation's prosperity.
A conflict of interest arises between the two generations. The conflict is solved by the death of the previous generation (natural or not)
which ensure that the future generation can manipulate their own prosperity more effective.This in turn maximizes the potential rate of evolution.

Responsibility is a basic evolutionary instinct but it can be defied due to intelligence,ineffective natural selection or defect DNA.
This is why intelligent people can be as irresponsible as your average idiot descending from
Ineffective natural selection or as irresponisble as the average defective inbreed local trash in your town.

With this in mind i hope you will be more responsible whoever you are.

by Fredliiik November 28, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


adj.; to be a in a state of having caused some action, usually either primarily or voluntarily. Almost always refers to the actions of human beings.

Hitler is responsible for the Holocaust.

The American people are responsible for electing their next president.

by Col. Hans Landa January 25, 2012

31๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž