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bloody bowel movement, usualy produced after a heavy night of drinking alcohol and consuming psychedelic drugs.

Dude! That was a crazy party last night, but my riggins was hell this morning.

by Barry Stockton September 21, 2008

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Tim Riggins

Badass Texan running back from the NBC TV show Friday Night Lights who young males everywhere attempt and fail to emulate. Stud. Scored gobs of touchdowns and slept with scores of women.

Milo tried to score on and off the gridiron, but he's no Tim Riggins.

by Kingschwab4215 February 1, 2015

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friggin in the riggin

To have a wank, to pull one's cracker, slap the salami, bash the bishop, choke the chicken etc. while on a ship.

friggin in the riggin, friggin in the riggin, friggin in the riggin there was fuck all else to do.

by Dr. Zoidberg December 7, 2002

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Diggin riggin

Someone who can drive fast on four wheeler

Damn did you see how fast that mother fucker was going? Must’ve been a diggin riggin!

by Doug dougerton November 1, 2019

Big Riggin'

When a female is laying on her back on the edge of the bed with her legs in the air and the male is holding onto her ankles, moving her legs back and forth, as if switching the gears in a big rig, during intercourse

This bad bitch wore my arms out with all that big riggin'last night.

by Pharmgal November 12, 2016

nigger riggin

Nigger riggin is a person that can fix anything with random objects

That guy used a flashlight as a head light in his car. Thats mighty nigger riggin

by Wcoyote December 11, 2016

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Aj riggins

the best guy in the world even the gods bow to him


by Allexcious December 5, 2011

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