Source Code

River Rat

Another reference to a USN SWCC (Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman. SWCC are our nation’s premier force for operating and maintaining high-performance, state-of-the art craft on NSW combat missions in littoral (shallow-water) environments. These elite fast-boat operators are part of Naval Special Warfare Command, which is comprised of SEAL Teams, SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) Teams and Special Boat Teams.

Highly-experienced β€œBrown Water” boat operators in support of SEAL missions.

The River Rats will be the support transporting the SEALS for the combat mission.

by snflwrtato October 21, 2011

17πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

River Rat

The go to move of bad poker players. A river rat is a player who, despite holding bad cards and hitting nothing on the flop, continues to bet right up until the fifth and final community card, the river card. More often than not noobs such as this usually get lucky on the river and insist on bragging about it despite the fact that their success was down do dumb luck and not skill. A river rat doesn't know when to fold and due to their ignorance pridefully consider themselves aggressive players rather than crap players, which is what they are. The most agonizingly annoying thing about river rats is that they have a tendency to be arrogant when they suck out, completely oblivious to the fact that they wouldn't last 2 seconds in a real tournament.

Guy 1 - Man check out that douche, he went right to the river with a stinking deuce seven off suit and sucked out running sevens.

Guy 2 - I know aye, and look at that smug smile on his face, acting like he's an expert poker player when really he's just a noob river rat tosser.

by stgi_dragons March 17, 2009

57πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

River Rat

Those born and/or raised in East Saint Louis. Often children of prostitutes and/or strippers. They go into St. Louis looking for people to lure back to their home with promises of sexual gratification, only to rob them.

He planned to go to the East Side to bang some river rats he picked up in a bar, and the next day he couldn't find his car.

by NoCo White Chocolate January 22, 2011

23πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

River Rat

River rats are the lower level patrol men on the police force. So named for there common sightings patrolling river side trails and city owned parks. Commonly ride dirt bikes.

Oh crap it's the river rats lets get out of here.

by Doofusgoo September 21, 2017

River Rat

person who frequents the Colorado River.In particular the Lake Havasu/Parker Strip region. Commonly pays more attention to their boat than their wife,family,house etc. Almost always seen with a Coors Light in hand

Look at that guy. A piece of crap truck and a fugly house but a $75000.00 boat.

Yah,he must be a River Rat.

by bubbadave July 31, 2005

41πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


An untidy woman with loose morals

a: hey I got with this hot bitch last night, her name was kristie!

B: yo dude she's a filthy river-rat!! DONT TELL ANYONE ELSE.

by stinkyface March 30, 2004

7πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

River Rats

A bunch of stupid kids that hang out at Junction 121, get drunk and start fights.

I hate all those river rats taht hang out at junction 121

by sarah515valleyjunctioncrew March 23, 2004

5πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž