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Having a specific, unique charm which is both historical and cultural and makes it desired.

"-I love the VW Sixties vans, they are very rustic."

"-Have you been to Pauline's Diner?
- You mean the one from the fifties on Ravenswood? Of course, I love it! It's just so .. rustic!

by HaGoodLuckFindingOutSrsly May 5, 2009

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you've just got rusticed by ferry from rust now learn rust programming language or ferry will fuck you bc your not a femboy now learn before it's too late

get rusticed

by rustlang_femboy June 20, 2023


The motto of the 19 Weapons Squadron at Nellis AFB. It is most commonly used during a toast but can also be used as a general greeting, a response to a question, as a verb or how ever one feels that it can appropriately fit into a conversation.

During a toast one would raise their glass and say "To the Green Door", the rest of the room would reply "Rustic!!"

by Mayor For A Day August 3, 2015

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by Kol-min September 28, 2003


Its Chef for "I couldnt give a fuck"

Oh its busy, so i will make a rustic special dish for tonight.

by Fuzzypumper February 11, 2011

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rustic trumpet

Pertaining to the sound(s) of unintended flatulence during anal copulation.

"She kept accidentally farting while I was ass fucking her, and it sounded like a chorus of rustic trumpets!"

by downpat75 July 11, 2008

rustic fuck

Sex in a cabin, outhouse, tent, or other outdoorsy setting.

He flipped the tail of her flannel shirt onto her back, undid the flap of her red longjohns and commenced their rustic fuck.

by Rustic Fuckers November 28, 2018