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Simper Saiyan

When you simp so hard for a girl that you transcend simphood, and become become the next level of Simp.

Henry was so mad that the trolls of the internet were bashing his E-Girlfriend, that he went full Simper Saiyan and accelerated his WPM in typing from 50 to 120, able to fend of the hordes of bullies.

by Try-Hard-Mode May 24, 2021

Saiyan Syndrome

Having an unnatural need to fight and become stronger that only feels natural to yourself.

Saiyan Syndrome unnatural aggression

by TheUncrownedking May 23, 2015

Super Saiyan

A saiyan who has gone through a transformation which multiplies his current power and turns his hair blonde and his eyes green/light blue

When Goku turned super saiyan,he tore Frieza a new asshole!

by Gothic Bob May 28, 2003

765๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Saiyan

Defenition ; A man goes angry or rage'd out and goes super saiyan

Jobby : Duude that guy you fought with went like...Super Saiyan

Hobby : Yeah he went Super saiyan and beat me up..

by Theguywhowrotessj September 4, 2015

68๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Saiyan

A Super Saiyan is a Saiyan that has gone beyond their limits through training. The Super Saiyan transformations yields a 50x increase in power with each level. Goku is the first to achieve this level. Any saiyan with enough power can transform with sufficient emotional need (usually the pain of loss).

There are 4 different super saiyan levels:

1. Super saiyan

1a., Ascended Super saiyan, achieved by sacrificing a bit a speed for a large power increase, 1b; Ultra Super Saiyan, sacrificing more speed for an even bigger increase in power. Both states requires going beyond normal super saiyan limits.

2. Super Saiyan 2: This state is achieved when a saiyan goes beyond his natural super saiyan limits, and the user is enraged enough to achieve this transformation; usually through the pain of loss.

3. Super Saiyan 3: This state is achieved when a super saiyan 2 has surpassed it's natural limits and a deeper power buried far within is available. Takes a lot of practice to transform quickly. It requires an immense amount of power to sustain, and constantly drains the users energy.

4. Super Saiyan 4: The pinnacle of Saiyan power, this state is achieved when the user is transformed into a Golden Great Ape (A super saiyan who transforms at the full moon) and becomes conscious of his new power. As with all super saiyan transformation, the user's power is increased 50 fold.

Goku and Vegeta are the only full-blooded Saiyans that can transform into Super Saiyans in canon series. Broly is the other, but only in the films.

by kyle.biddle January 28, 2011

235๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

Full Saiyan

Going full on rage mode.

I'm finna go full saiyan on this bitch!

by JustSomeoneSpecial January 27, 2020

Super Saiyan

verb: To freak out and/or beat the shit out of someone. To lose it or lose control.

If you don't shut the hell up I'll get up and go super saiyan on your ass.

by Homey G Slice February 9, 2007

429๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž