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Jamaican Sand Trapped

U are on a beach and u dig two big fist size holes in the sand and cover them up with little branches and leaves. u wait till it gets dark and u bring ur girl out to have some anal sex and when u get a good rhythm going u move closer and closer to the hole till her hands fall in the holes and she cant move and u tap that ass all Night!

Girl: what the fuck last night my hands got stuck into 2 holes in the sand! and u went crazy on my asshole

Guy: hmm? really i think there is a word for that its: u have just been Jamaican Sand Trapped bitch!

by angelesmadera April 3, 2008

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Sand Trap

The sand trap is preformed by having sex with a woman in her anus. When you are done, you throw a large handful of sand on her wet anus so it sticks.

I fucked her ass until it was quivering, then gave her the sand trap!

by Dirty Dirty Dirty January 10, 2008

4πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

sand trap

A girl with a dry vagina, and who is turned off by sex talk, sexual advances and sex in general

Yo, I ask this girl if she was DTF and she flipped out on me... freakin sand trap! a simple no would have been fine!!!

by bamgambino November 21, 2015

The Sand Trap

When you rub sandpaper on your condom so when you stick it inside a girl it grips like hell

Guy: β€œI just finished setting up the sand trap.”
Girl: β€œIt’s gonna grip like crazy”

by Uejsbshfjs April 1, 2022

The Sand Trap

You rub sandpaper on your condom so it is grippier, and you stick it inside a girl.

Guy 1: β€œHey how was last night?”
Guy 2: β€œIt was great. I used the sand trap on her.”
Guy 1: β€œNice.”

by Uejsbshfjs April 1, 2022