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Scandinavian Jellyfish

A sex move. It begins with the pair doing it doggy style. The person on the giving end then takes a 5-gallon bucket full of grape jelly and dumps it on the head of the other partner. The giver then promptly zaps their partner with a taser.

Dude, I gave my girlfriend the Scandinavian Jellyfish and now she's in a coma!

by Cockjockey 942 July 23, 2008

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Scandinavian Shuffleboard

The act of one sexual partner bending over on one side of a room, and the other one (who has an erection) runs at them full speed, aiming for the butthole.

Last night, me and Jim played some good ol' Scandinavian Shuffleboard.

by Braxxin April 14, 2011

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Scandinavian Leatherstrap

The Scandinavian Leatherstrap involves a numerous amount of action and motion and food. When with a partner, you take your dick and begin to rub huckleberry jam all over it. Your partner will then smear peanut butter around their anal area. After this step, both people will then proceed to shove a bottle of soy sauce up their ass. After you can no longer see the soy sauce, the man takes his dick and inserts it into his peanut butter butt partner. Following this action, both people will push the soy sauce out of their rectum and set the bottles on the table. Now, for the leatherstrap part. You take a small strand of leather, and tie the upper part of youre testes with it. You then tell your partner to dump both bottles of soy sauce to relieve the redness. after 30 minutes of the strap, you take the strand off, and wa la, Youve got yourself a Scandinavian Leatherstrap.

Oh my gosh Jesse Neale!!!!! you really gave your boy friend a Scandinavian Leatherstrap!!!!! Does your mother know about this?

by samuel white March 28, 2009

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Scandinavian Backpedal

A reverse Dutch Rudder.

Nothing like a good Scandinavian Backpedal to make you go six fifths.

by Anal chilli pill April 9, 2012

Scandinavian Pipebomb

A bag of 'shrooms, slap of heroine, star-shaped snort of cocaine all done in under fifteen minutes.

Shit dogg, last night Charles did a Scandinavian Pipebomb in McCarthy Quad and shat his pants and subsequently convulsed.

by Risky Rick December 9, 2008

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Scandinavian Penis

alternatively: Scandinavian "Penisula"

For people with a sense of humor and a dirty mind. orig. "Scandinavian Peninsula."

Coming from the fact that the peninsula looks a lot like a penis on a map, with Finland being another penis and the tips touching.

Person 1: Hey I heard Petre was from the Scandinavian Penis
Person 2: Really? What side of the ethnic meat staff is he from?
Person 1: I think Norway, he seems a lot fuzzier than a Swede or a Finn.
Person 2: Ha! I'd love to be from a penis-shaped country like Finland.

by Hugh Jazzdich October 27, 2013

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Scandinavian Rooster

When a guy appears to be consoling a woman who is ralphing by pulling her hair back. Preferably, the woman is wearing a slutty skirt and she is perched at a 90 degree angle when he rips her panties aside and ass fucks the shit out of her while she's still barfing. The harder he fucks her the more puke she'll get out and consequently making the guy look good by suppling medical aid.

Nick: Dude, that girl down there looks really sick.
Pete: Yeah, she just drank some hunch punch, but it looks like that douchey scrote is going to take care of her.
Nick: Damn, she's puking like crazy
Pete: Holy shit, he's giving her the Scandinavian Rooster
Nick: She looks like she feels better already. That guy's not so bad.

by nickgolf July 11, 2008