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Scowling Forecasts

Shooting evil looks at someone to preempt them from intruding on your space, taking the seat next to you on mass transit, or starting a conversation with you.

There was only one seat left on the bus, but the old lady next to it was scowling forecasts at me so I stood the whole way.

by Apple C January 11, 2019

Churchillian scowl

The absurd expression Trump puts on his face for the cameras - clenched brows, downturned mouth - which he has borrowed from Winston Churchill, and admits to practicing in front of the mirror.

Standing before the boarded-up church, holding aloft the borrowed Bible, Trump plastered on his Churchillian scowl, thinking it made him look like a "wartime president", a statesman and a scholar, when in fact he looked like a little boy poorly disguised as a man.

by Monkey's Dad June 2, 2020

The Western Scowl

When a white woman is visiting Southeast Asia and she doesn’t get the attention she wants because of how many smoking hot Thai girls are walking around that will sell themselves for $2 an hour. She then feels threatened and puts on a mean grimace, or a Western Scowl, because she isn’t getting the attention she craved for being a white woman in Asia.

Jennie was walking around Bangkok looking like her dog died because the guys only cared about the hookers at Soi Cowboy. She had a total The Western Scowl on her face

by Ty Does Moose Stuff March 11, 2020

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middle aged scowl

The perpetual frown and down-turned corners of the mouth of a person usually over 35, displaying sadness, depression, or disappointment. The antonym of a smile.

"I saw Midge the other day. Poor thing she's lost her bloom. She had such a middle aged scowl."

by Vurdluver September 19, 2009

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irritable scowl syndrome

A common ailment afflicting misanthropic people. Symptoms include dirty looks, sarcasm, belittling and sighs of disgust.

I'm sorry I seem like a bitch, I suffer from irritable scowl syndrome... asshole.

by Slewbert March 6, 2014

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When your child manipulatively looks at you to make you feel like a total piece of shit to get their own way

My daughter out-scowled me to get to go to archery in a time that suited her and she ate all of the tim-bits.

by EdTheSheeran October 8, 2022

The Western Scowl

When a white woman is visiting Southeast Asia and she doesn’t get the attention she wants because of how many smoking hot Thai girls are walking around that will sell themselves for $2 an hour. She then feels threatened and puts on a mean grimace, or a Western Scowl, because she isn’t getting the attention she craved for being a white woman in Asia.

Jennie was walking around Bangkok looking like her dog died because the guys only cared about the hookers at Soi Cowboy. She had a total The Western Scowl on her face

by Ty Does Moose Stuff March 11, 2020