Source Code


Sh!t Lamer/Hacker speak for Shit and Sh*t

Holly Sh!t Balls Batman!

Ohhh Sh!t he just schooled joo a$$

by IloserMan August 15, 2004

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Ghost Sh*t

When You Dispense Waste Matter and it does not appear on your toilet paper after you wipe

Dude my anus hurts, I think i have a bad case of Ghost Sh*t

by Mook and Zeke August 31, 2010

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S.U.B. Sh!t

S.U.B. - Stupid Ugly Bitch

Mike: Man that chick riding nuts
Jay: Yo leave it ma homie
Mike: How can I? Cause she is S.U.B. Sh!t. I don't fuck with her. Lol
Jay: What??

by yeSJay3 October 5, 2015

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Piece of sh*t

Sh*t is a word often yose when someone or something is being anoying

You are such a piece of sh*t

by BIG URBANDICK FAN May 4, 2019

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some one who talks about rubbish things that arnt actually true

The person who put that definition is a sh*t-talker.

by lianne March 14, 2005

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Sh!t at fortnite


Lachlan is sh!t at fortnite

by Egang March 12, 2021

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Sh*t Circuit

Background: Lebanese Ghetto

Definition: A Texas Instruments calculator.

Man, you want to buy a sh*t circuit? My grandma got it for me.

by tribalray March 12, 2005

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