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It's the combination of fuck and shit. When something is weird, it's shiznet. When someone is annoying, that person is shiznet.

Person 1: 'Hey! Look at that TV!'
Person 2: 'That's a bunch of shiznet!'

by 193xt August 30, 2014

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Da Shiznet

The Mother F-ing best!

Skyline Chili is Da Shiznet!

by $lim $hady October 19, 2008


A word to replace the word β€œshit”.

β€œI missed my online test shiznet”

by Belle bazaar April 12, 2021


means you need to shut up immediately.

"shiznet, bryan!"
"why do i have to be quiet when i wasnt even talking before?"

by Fagg-art November 20, 2014