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A word that only stupid hoes use because they think they're gangster...which they're just white trash.
Also, only the lowest of the low use it.

Amy: Yo Mike, you're sexy, fo shizzy.
Mike: Supid hoe, thats not a real word for white people

by Mike Williamson November 28, 2007

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ADJ; (Shi-zee) 1. Having shizz: Any person place or thing which is said to have shizz 2. Exceptional on the shizz-meter.

Man, Allisons boyfriends mom sure cooks up some SHIZZY Egyptian food!

by TheSHIZZYguy May 14, 2010

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Short for shiznat; shit.
Used in exclamation.

"Oh, shizzy! Who killed the cat?"

by Ashton B. October 30, 2006

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Shizzies, noun.

"i like tons of shizzies"
I like tons of shit.

by Velo May 27, 2003

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Shizzie - taken from "shiz" a ghetto term used to express the word "shit" usually used by "honkeys" (white folk) or "wiggers" (white men who think they are black) to express either something is good or bad.

"That's the shizzie ma nizzie" - That is the excrement my black friend.

by Mr Chumly Warner September 14, 2006

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cool or pimp

Yo! That brother is shizzi! And so is his ride that he be bumpin'!

by word! November 22, 2002

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Slang term for meth. From calling it shit (which it is) to a more coded version.

"Hey Man Want To Go Smoke Some Shizzy."
"I Hate Him When He Is On Shizzy"

by tweaker hater December 6, 2006

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