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Shrinkage is a phenomena of epic loss of proportion to male genitalia when exposed to sudden or extreme drop in temperature causing them to " shrink " or disappear all together for a short period.

I fell through the ice at the lake just now and got a major case of " shrinkage " going on!!

by Mr_Shlaapu November 25, 2018

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When ur penis shrinks during a cold pool

John just got out of the chilling pool, John has shrinkage

by The factuals April 8, 2019

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Seasonal Shrinkage

The proven theory that penises are smaller during winter and therefore cant be measured reliably during these months.

It was the first time she saw my penis, but due to seasonal shrinkage i made a bad impression.

by Carl Pontusson August 15, 2017

ground shrinkage

1. When you see a big buck through your gun scope, but when you walk up to it on the ground, its antlers have "magically" shrunk.

2. Referring to when you see a hot girl from a distance, but find out that she's actually hideous close up.

you: "bro, I'm gonna go get that chick's number that just walked in. She looks FINE!"

minutes later....

your friend: "how'd it go?"
you: "really disappointing. When I got up to her, there was some major ground shrinkage so I bailed."

by elchavito99 November 18, 2011

epic shrinkage

The act of having your wang shrunken to the size of a single testicle while playing water polo in two speedos.

After the three consecutive games in the championship, jonnyboy experienced epic shrinkage so great that he was too embarrassed to even get out of the pool.

by zee ubernator April 21, 2009

Positive Shrinkage

When someone is never not a dick but can have occasional outbursts of being nice, therefore decreasing how big of a dick they are

"Teresa legit just had positive shrinkage"

"No way bruh she always a big one"

by JxkeSED November 22, 2015

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Backfield shrinkage

(n) In law or other industries where time is entered by professionals for billing to clients, the process by which the time is "written down," by owners of the firm to reduce the compensation of the professionals entering the time.

Frequently, this phenomenon is accompanied by the owners of the firm "writing up" their own time on the same file to increase their own share of the billings to the client.

I billed 200 hours last month, but the backfield shrinkage will probably cut that in half by the time that it gets billed out.

by Frustrated_Monolingual December 29, 2011

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