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Diplomatic Shuffler

A person who bullies others in online gaming using only 3 words at a time. A person who was homeschooled using only picture books.

Hey RoughToy who is that diplomatic shuffler who keeps sending me messages?

by PickleMan840 August 17, 2020

Duck Shuffler

When you get all your ducks in a row and some asshole comes around and shuffles them up

God Damn duck shuffler fucked everything up

by tonichoni July 16, 2021

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Butt Shuffler

a gay man with a variety of sex partners to choose from.

Dude omar had sex with another guy last night, what a butt shuffler.

by Iswallowedsomevomit January 16, 2009

scumbag shuffler

A public bicycle, also known as bike-share. Often seen littering the streets of major metropolitan cities, these are usually stolen and dumped wherever convenient for the scumbag. Scumbag shufflers allow scumbags to travel greater distances than previously possible to commit crimes, a true blessing for the community.

My home was burglarized while I was on vacation, and I found a scumbag shuffler laying in the backyard.

by Bubba Douglas February 25, 2018

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sausage shuffler

Someone who shuffles too much cock.

"Hey did you know Louise is a sausage shuffler"

by big toes July 13, 2014

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Shit Shuffler

A Shit Shuffler is someone who just kicks and flails around like a dumb ass, normaly huge gangster wannabe's

Kid 1 "Wow look at that guy he is a Shit Shuffler"
Kid 2 "Yeah man that guys name is Ricky King"
Kid 1 "Oh I heard that guy is pretty horrible"

by Big FOOOT November 2, 2009

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Duck Shuffler

Duck robot with a chronic gambling addiction.

Did you buy the Duck Shuffler plush on time?

by Sqwimble McWimble May 12, 2024