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Smort is typically used when someone who is smart does something really stupid, and often used in combination with engrish.

I turned the stove on, and did a smort and put my hand on the heating element.

by Pay me more. April 30, 2022

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Smort typically means being overly smart. if you have over 69420 IQ, you are officially smort.
if you are smort, you typically don't get women

Damn i have over 70000 IQ, i am so smort

by jonysekk November 2, 2021


A combination of the Latin word, Mort meaning death and the English word smart meaning intelligent. So smort means a badass and intelligent.

(Pjo reference)

Percy: οΌ»ReynaοΌ½is so smort.
Jason: yeah she is

(Normal conversation)
Random person 1: she's so smort
Random person2: defiantly!

by Cee_is_sassy July 16, 2017

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


to be small and short, sm-ort

that lad is to smort to go on that ride

by emlou September 2, 2013

14πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


A judged competition that involves athletic ability that is not a sport.

Figure Skating = Smort

by etbitmydog February 25, 2010

9πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


another name for a cig.

"lemme get a smort peter"

by Bobbie sluts January 27, 2010

5πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


A word used by a dumb little shit who thinks he knows everything, when in reality he only thinks he knows that 1+1= anal sex.

"1+1= abortion"
"No it doesn't you dumb shitfuck"
"Hey, I'm very smort!"
"If you're so smort then fuck me"

by I like bitches November 18, 2020

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž