Source Code

Mr Steed

Mr Steed is, in certain Coles supermarkets, the code word called over the PA system for "There's someone agressive at the counters, send the heavies"

"Paging Mr Steed, Mister Steed, Isle 5. Mister Steed"

by Coles Employee August 8, 2008

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Steed weight

The weight a male maintains because it makes women want to mount him

She was attracted to him because he was at his steed weight.

by JBottum May 17, 2013

Noble Steed

That friend that always manages to save you from awkward social situations, is extremely attractive inside and out, and is a fantastic and smooth lover.

That man truly is a Noble Steed.

by Broken_teacu November 8, 2017

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Jake Steed

A porn star with a 9in. dick He works with Lex. Steele

April-He is so hung!
Susie- Yep, just like Jake Steed

by Donalds November 6, 2007

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Celestial Steed

A mount in the game World of Warcraft, purchasable with real world currency which has split the playerbase. One side condemning it saying its another milestone towards the end of WoW as we know it. The other oblivious to corperate marketing thinking its the best idea ever since sliced bread believing that through buying it their character will become unique, only to find that everyone else and their mum had the same idea and half their server's running around with one.

Player1 - Man, at the rate of this stunts success we'l be seeing gear and gold for sale within the year.

Player2 - Nonsense! With this service i'le finally be able to stand out from the crowd in dalaran!.

*logs in to find 50 celestial steeds at krasus' landing*

"A fool & his money are easily parted..."

by Soapboxstar April 15, 2010

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trusty steed

A girl who is always there to receive the pipe. No matter what you do Ole reliable always trots back.

I slept on the floor last night , b cause my roomate brought back his trusty steed Marv.

by Blue Blob Mob October 22, 2017

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Steed Week

Ignoring the girl you interested in for an entire week. Showing no feelings and only replying if she messages first or not replying at all

Created by Tyrese (Steed) Laing
Along with Avashan Naidoo

With credits to Dean Marteins

Scenario One:

โ€œSheโ€™s not interested in me man, I donโ€™t know what to do?โ€
โ€œ have you tried a Steed Week on her? Works like a charmโ€

Scenario Two:

โ€œSheโ€™s not giving me attentionโ€

โ€œSteed Week her to see if she caresโ€

by tyrese$mokes February 10, 2021