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A painfully slow computer and/or internet connection incapable of performing more than one task at a time but capable of inducing a catatonic state in the user.

I fell asleep waiting for my goddam stupor-computer to load an effing wikipedia article.

by Mattemo March 16, 2009

uber stupor

when people waiting for their Uber to arrive do stupid things like attempt to get into a random car on the street by mistake, step off the kerb in front of oncoming traffic to run to their Uber, or just stand on the street corner with cell phone in hand and with a blank expression on their face, trying to spot their Uber.

Some lostie in an uber stupor just tried to get into my car when I pulled up outside your apartment 5 mins ago.

I almost hit this dumb spaz in an uber stupor who stepped out in front of me while I was doing 50.

Check out that fool standing over there in an uber stupor

by gs000 July 24, 2018

stupor hero

A derogatory remark used to describe the ultimate life of the party. The Stupor Hero has usually consumed mass quantities of alcohol and possesses fictitious abilities such as invincibility, suaveness, intelligence, charisma and good looks.

"Dude, did you see Richard last night at the bar??"

"Yeah, what a Stupor Hero!"

by Curtis Krunk October 12, 2006

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Pooper Stupor

When a gentleman is so sauced that he attempts to stick a finger in his ladies' front bottom but accidentally hits her balloon knot.

Man, Ethan was so fucked up last night he tried to finger that chick but pulled a pooper stupor instead!

by The Real Chas April 28, 2017

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A feeling at ease; an intense tranquility that transcends sobriety.

Dude, those headies were so dank, I am stupor-stoned. I think I just attained Nirvana.

by Drunk-Jesus January 26, 2009

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drunken stupor

A state in which a person has been annihilated by the consumption of alcohol, the amount of which is well above his/her tolerance level. Once the subject has imbibed past the limit, massive retardation sets in, resulting in the stupor. The person in this state is often referred to as a drunken moron.

A male in a drunken stupor is likely to make an ass out of himself in front of anyone around. Some activities he may participate in while in the stupor: starting fights, drunken boxing, drunk dialing, drunk texting, flirting, telling everybody he knows that he loves them, stumbling, staggering, stammering, slurring, drunken dancing, and anything else that is obnoxious and unreasonable.

That guy must have game, look at him entertain that group of hotties over there.
No, they're laughing at him, not with him; he's in a drunken stupor. Note how he can't stand up straight.

by DougCrow January 4, 2006

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Drunken Stupor

A state of being in which smoking crack becomes both socially and morally acceptable behaviour.

Reporter: Have you smoked crack before?
Rob Ford: Yeah, I smoked some crack. So what? I was in a drunken stupor!
Reporter: Touche, good sir. In that case, you are a gentleman and a scholar!

by Garfield Chickenteeth November 6, 2013

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