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Suction Hose

Noun- A dude who likes sucking off highly fit firemen beefcakes. Can usually be seen wearing knee pads and hanging around firestations.

You see that fag Sam at the Firemen's Benefit Fund Luncheon? He's turning into a real Suction Hose, what a little bitch!

by kratosyodaddy May 4, 2011

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Suction cup

When two girls press their moist vaginas together which in turn creates suction.

I knew Gina and Tina were dating but I didn't think they'd suction cup right in front of us.

by Supersoaker89 December 9, 2016

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suction eight

To get a great suck down from a project chic. (section 8 housing)

I got some suction eight last night for 10 dollars.

by V dux September 5, 2007

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suction tip

a camaro exhuast tip with a washer welded to the inside of it

"shhhhhhhhhhh ... shhhh ... shhhhh ...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" goes the scraper with the suction tip

whats a buick without a suction .... NOTHIN!

by nick anderegg June 7, 2006

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Nano Suction

When an Asian man( or anyone with a small dick)gets a blowjob.

Donald Trump got a Nano Suction

by Kyle Brofliwski August 18, 2016

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Suction Cup

When a female docks her camel toe to a mans anus and girates to create suction.

Miah: Anna was totally hitting me from behind last night.

Nate: like Suction Cup'n it?

Miah: yeah, totally milkin' that prostate!

by Tyler29 February 5, 2014

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Passionfruit Suction

When you're joking about something and it sounds like a sex joke, but is totally irrelevant to sex. And is merely about almost choking on a passionfruit in a pornstar martini

"Hey, can't wait to get home and give you a passionfruit suction"

by MajorSpoonage August 21, 2019