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Super Special Awesome

Anything that can't be described by solely using the words: super, special or awesome.Commonly heard in Yu-gi-oh the abridged series.

"By the way Kaiba, I've forgiven you for hospitalizing my grandpa. Can we be super special awesome friends now?"-Yu-gi-Oh the abridged series.

by Hope O-W August 25, 2007

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super mega awesome

A higher state of mega awesome-ness. Used to describe amazingly spiffy things. Can also be used sarcastically.

Like, oh my god, that was totally super mega awesome!

Jacob's mullet is super mega awesome!

by pdxsal March 15, 2007

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Super Sexy Awesome

When something is not only super, sexy, or awesome, but a combination of the three.

Example 1:
Jill: I'm pregnant.
Jill: It's yours...
Jack: *gone*

by Stradagee March 7, 2009

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super duper awesome

the ultimate form of pwnage, awesomeness, etc.

Scene kid #1: did u go the the Alesana show last night?
Scene kid #2: yea, it was super duper awesome

by brz pwns December 28, 2010

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1. used to describe a persone or thing that is superior to everything and everyone else.
2. the utmost in coolness.

Wow! Those shoes are super-cool-awesome!
You gotta meet Susan. She's super-cool-awesome.

by Luna January 18, 2005

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Super Ninja Awesome

(adj.) A phrase used to describe someone who has surpassed bland old regular awesome, and has achieved a certain level of slyness. Once these two qualities have combined one has become Super Ninja Awesome.

Person 1: Gawd you are so sly, that was so awesome!

Person 2: Yeah, its because I'm Super Ninja Awesome

by Slyyyyyyyyy February 5, 2010

super gay awesome

better than epic its super gay awesome!!!

Shem: hey stace I just scored the last 2 tickets to the B grade horror fest!!

Stacey: that is super gay awesome!!!

by Stacedizzlefromwhistler October 8, 2011

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