Source Code


A whole new dimension to computing from Microsoft. A modified Windows Vista enabled computer in the form of a Coffee Table. Based on Multi-touch technology. No cables, no keyboard, no mouse.

Surface is darn good, damn costly.

by sgr_mdkr June 4, 2007

14πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Describes a place of living. Such as 'pad' or 'crib'

Yo, let's hit up the surface and bottom out these 40s.

by MrBlaQ May 10, 2005

8πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


what u get off of after doing it

then i went of the surface to find my pants

by blondy July 9, 2005

8πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

tainted surface

The act of rubbing another persons Microsoft Surface tablet on your taint and/or genitalia, usually as a retaliatory joke but sometimes for sexual pleasure. The tablet owners name is usually placed in the middle of the statement.

Man, I just tainted Sean's surface..... At first it was funny, but then it felt good and I couldn't stop myself. Tainted Surface

by Notyouraveragemegatron May 23, 2014

Elevated surfaces

The surface intoxicated females dance on at parties such as tables, counters, pool tables etc.

Frat boy1: β€œshe was dancing on the table all night”

Frat boy2:”yeah bitches love their elevated surfaces”

by Dankiest dictionary October 2, 2018

32πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

surface dweller

A person who is unconcerned with the deeper meaning of things.

1. Cares only about the implications and manifestations.
2. Deeper meaning and intricate connections are not immediately apparent.
3. Can't look behind the veil and swims only in shallow waters..

He doesn't get the movie at all.. what a surface dweller.

by Gardor March 11, 2021

surface indie

Refers to indie bands or artists that are only obscure in that they have no Top 40 plays or chart hits, but are otherwise at least moderately well-known among music fans. The name comes from the fact that these bands are among the first that people discover when they are getting into indie music, as they are just scratching the surface. Surface indie bands often penetrate the mainstream consciousness from time to time, usually by appearing on TV show or movie soundtracks, or by signing to a major label. Examples include Sufjan Stevens, Belle and Sebastian, and The Decemberists. Smug hipsters will often deride surface indie bands by saying the quality of the music suffers as a result of their increasing popularity (and are especially prone to claiming those bands have sold out), but this is just pointless douchebaggery.

Don't listen to that hipster douchebag who says it gets so much better than Of Montreal. If you enjoy surface indie, then listen to it.

by roundthewheel October 9, 2007

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