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the surge

when a terminally ill patient gets a sudden burst of energy before dying

essentially getting better before getting worse

person 1: is this the surge? or are they finally getting better
person 2: there’s no way to tell

by myurbandictionarycom August 18, 2021


Surgery: When you are with a girl and making plans to making out or more

Friend 1: Yo, im gonna surg this girl tonite
Friend 2: Better be prepared.

by Zoddex October 25, 2007

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Vomiting into another person's mouth in an attempt to gain sexual satisfaction.

Donkeys are well known to surge while engaging in vicious booty-sex threesomes.

Zombies came into existence as a result of surging between Nyan Cat and Boris Yeltsin's carcass.

Adolf Hitler started his front on the Jewish people in response to witnessing an old bearded Jewish man engage in surging with a dog with venereal disease.

I love to surge with my girlfriend while we listen to Maroon 5's "Moves Like Jagger".

by LoverLikeJagger February 27, 2012

15πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A common slang term describing a person's state of being after consuming too much alcohol. Usally as a direct result of binging, effects include a sudden jolt of energy, lack of memory, poor decision-making, and loud obnoxious behavior. Also, there is an urge to go to local fast food restaurants and call you're ex.

Nick: Kayla, please ignore what I said last night. I was too damn surged last night at that party.

Kayla: Trust me, I will. You were rambling on about a bunch of nonsense and kept yelling.

Nick: It happens.

by Bigertonn August 14, 2011

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A very large burst of hormonal activity

I accidentally had a surge and smashed my pet gold fish

by Duke814gamer March 16, 2020

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


surge to be hacked with only your computer connected to the outlet. To be victim of electricity.

Your computer plugged in the outlet.

by Surge DaSurge September 21, 2004

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surging sanders

When you sudden come out of nowhere

"Damn! Sorry hun! I just made a Surging Sanders! You on the pill?"

by Brummelum February 3, 2016

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