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The Bottom Ten Percent

The idea, that the bottom 10 percent of society, those who have no handicap yet still refuse to work or give back to the community, are eliminated to increase the productivity of the community.
Therefore causing everyone to work harder, in order to avoid becoming the bottom 10 percent.
This can be done on an individual basis, or in larger number.

This idea, was originally thought of by John, Aarons friend.

If your in The Bottom Ten Percent, you could be a homeless person giving nothing back to the goverment, youve been on welfare for an extended period of time, making no effort to "get back on your feet."

by Joshua Minchew July 20, 2006

5👍 3👎

Ten percent days

A mandatory day off from work that is associated with a 10% cut in pay. Common for companies who desire to cut payroll costs due to a downturn in business without laying people off.

Pig Fucker: I'd offer you a nip, but I know that tomorrow is a weekday, and you have to be able to get up early to go to work.

Numbnuts: Don't worry about it. Tomorrow is one of my ten percent days.

by Garage Dweller May 22, 2009

Ten percenter

When you have 10% of a boner so it just barley bulges in your pants but is still noticeable.

Man i'm rocking a ten percenter and i don't know what to do with it.

by ComradeHamster February 22, 2015

1👍 8👎

Ninety-percent water, ten-percent vinegar

n.) a douche

adj.) the condition of being a douche.

Karl is ninety-percent water, ten-percent vinegar. As a matter of fact, he is the biggest douche I know.

by Blenderhead91 March 31, 2009

54👍 15👎