Source Code

error 405

An error similar to Error 404 but one step higher. The equivalent of your web browser saying "Fuck not given"

Guy1: So I went to take an exam the morning after my girlfriend broke up with me. When I looked at the exam I suddenly encountered Error405.

Guy2: Dude that sucks.

Dude: I tried to download that video you told me about and my computer gave me an error 405
Dude2: dude your computer doesn't give a fuck

by Squishy-phil October 19, 2011

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The 405 is one of LA's most important and troublesome freeways (or car

The 405 cuts right through classic L.A. culture exports like the Valley, Bel Air, Santa Monica and eventually the O.C. while the 10 passes through the heart of the city climaxing in the best panoramic view of downtown - and both are legendary for their traffic; trust me, you haven not truly experienced bumper-to-bumper, painful, want to end-one's-life traffic in your lifetime until you have enjoyed a rush hour trip on either of these main arteries of the city. It's also the greatest source of free parking in West LA.

Ultimately, I think you have to choose the 405 because when you finally crawl over the the top of the hill heading south from the Valley into the main basin of Los Angeles, the view of the region is spectacular... and you'll have plenty of time to appreciate it because you'll be moving at no more than 5 mph an hour. There's nothing more L.A. than that!

"I wish I could park my car there and have dinner. After all, I can come back 3 hours later and the car will still be in the same spot."

"What, you mean the 405?"

"Yup, nothing like the good ol' 405.

I-405 is the freeway that goes through West LA.

by AYAUS October 29, 2014


To be stuck in traffic. To be gridlocked. 405 is a reference to the infamous 405 freeway in Los angeles, which always seems congested, regardless of the time of day it seems.

Sorry I'm late, but I got 405'd in traffic. You know how Fridays are!

by 4realazitgits March 3, 2021

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error 405

Error 404, after an upgrade.

Error 405: This Windows is a piece of shit.

by DragonlordALS May 25, 2004

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something stupid that happens on your pc.

Dan: *searches pohtahtoh on urban dictionary
computer: {"error":405}
Dan: *kills himself*

by P0HTAHT0H January 30, 2019

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Entity 405

Entity 405 often referred as 405, was Mr. Goggins successor in power since 405 had a great amount of power in him despite being a mere mortal. Usually dressed in a long black loose dress with his long white hair reaching his buttocks, is often mistaken for a girl, but 405 is indeed a male. having great power, one day he defied Goggins out of nowhere and they both engaged in a battle that ended with varies universes being destroyed. It was the ONLY time Mr. Goggins had ever lost a fight against anyone. Now 405 is referred as The Lost One.

Entity 405. He was never evil, just lost.
- Goggins

by Pewpew bumblesnatch April 28, 2022

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405 rainbow frisbie

What you're about to, after you can't find your keys, and your laptop is in your car, and you don't have enough money to call a locksmith.

"Thomas Beauvais is about ready to 405 rainbow frisbie. I can't find my keys, and my laptop is in the car, and I don't have enough money to call a locksmith."

by Shiggity & Trionna June 9, 2009

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