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(Offensive Term)Refers to Pregnancy/Birth

That girl just released an Album.

by album luancher January 27, 2011

7πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Sour Album

Sour is an album including the songs: 'Brutal', Jealousy, jealousy', Enough for you', 'Drivers license', 'happier', '1step forward 3 steps back, 'Deja Vu, 'traitor', 'good 4 u' and 'hope ur ok'. She dropped 'drivers license' which has accumulated over 250,000,000 million views on youtube, she then dropped good 4 u, and the rest of the songs in her sour album. Many fans are grateful and happy she has dropped the songs because it helps them cope with their problems, and they love how relatable and talented Olivia is with her music.

Person 1: Have you heard Olivia Rodrigo's new Sour Album?
Person 2: Yeah its amazing!

by unknownwriter183627190 July 10, 2021

74πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

album filler

When a band releases an album where there's only a couple good songs, and they need more to make a whole album, so they make crappy songs knowing they aren't that great just to complete the CD since you need at least around 8 songs for a good CD.

The Shins' new album "Wincing the Night Away" has only a few great songs on it, and around 15 tunes in total, so they make a bunch of album fillers in order to make it a full-length album

by El Joey April 30, 2007

115πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Album Mode

Album mode. The human form of airplane mode. No calling, texting or hanging out with anyone during those hours. #1 Priority is to finish the album then you celebrate by living your best life when your done.

Ugh, I can never get to hang out with him he’s in album mode!

They never text back when they are in Album Mode.

by Nerdofficial October 5, 2019

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

grower (album)

a music album that gets better with time

in the beginning i found Kid A horrible,
then it became my favourite album of all time!
it's definitely a grower (album)!

by ffssmmnn February 5, 2009

31πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

concept album

(n.) A collection of songs written around one central theme or idea. Usually, each individual track expresses a different aspect or part of the main concept, with each track fitting together to form a cohesive idea.

This would not include something like a greatest hits album, with the central theme being best selling songs.

Queens of the Stone Age 2002 release "Songs for the Deaf" is a concept album around the theme of the album being played on the radio, with intro by different made-up DJ's, etc.

by Tyler Hoecker June 2, 2006

71πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Album bomb

When most or every song from an album chart simultaneously. Usually due to streaming. Disrupting the billboard hot 100 for a week or two.

"Drake has screwed with the system. Using featured verses and album bombs. To break the record for the most hot 100 hits."

by Realslimshady128 April 27, 2019

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