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The head animal in a pack, and by extension, an unofficial leader. Often used sarcastically of someone who wants to lead a group.

George wants to be alpha, but no one takes him seriously.

by yet_another July 2, 2004

7155๐Ÿ‘ 4582๐Ÿ‘Ž


the letter 'A' in the international radio phonetic alphabet

also used in military radio slang for comanding officer or radio station

Tango six one this is alpha

by IrishRepublicanArmy October 13, 2003

170๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


Software undergoes alpha testing as a first step in getting user feedback. Alpha is Latin for "doesn't work."

by Eperdu October 12, 2003

213๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alpha Alpha

The coed frat for college students who no longer want to get crunk, usually with a set of 12 stairs in front.

A college greek version of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Guy No. 1: Do you want to come to a party with me?
Guy No. 2: No, the game is on. Also, I'm in Alpha Alpha, so I can't drink.

by Matt |2 August 1, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually tall, funny and smart. Most likely has a girl best friend who they have a lot in common with. Either Dating a girl who's name starts with an S or A. Knows how to make people laugh, gets annoyed fast and loves annoying people typically their girlfriend or close friend. Usually is against fighting unless absolutely necessary. VERY ATTRACTIVE. Dating one will be the best thing to happen to you. Dreams Big and gets what they want legal or not. Sorry

Girl 1: He's cute what's his name
Girl 2 : His name is Alpha

by coolgouyjohn July 15, 2020

24๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Alpha of a pack of Neanderthals, not technically gifted in anyway possible but knows how to produce fire

Look at them Neanderthals over there, he looks like the Alpha of the pack

by ElITEZsniperking October 15, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man of the fraternity of Alpha Phi Alpha, founded in 1906.

"The Ice Cold Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc, are having a party at 10:06."

I went to an Alpha stepshow, they were great.

by Nikki G. December 15, 2003

216๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž