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Blurry Comics

1. A sour but sometimes kind person who take you into consideration and helps the people he likes. 2. A sex position where the man is in the shower and the glass is blurry and the women shakes her tits on his chode while producing a loud orgasm. Meanwhile the man will cum on her face.

Fatty gave bimbo a fat blurry Comics.

by Fatsmack_34Op August 3, 2019

ridin blurry

Driving while intoxicated

I see them watching, and waiting,
For an opportunity to ride up on me,
Hopin' they don't roll up on me, cuz tonight I'm ridin blurry,
And if they stop me I'm gettin a DUI tonight.

by burgaking May 15, 2007

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blurry facial

the act of ejaculating during anal intercourse , then having the ejaculate sprayed onto your face via flatulent projection.

hey Tanner, gimme a blurry facial
wow! that was quite a blurry facial
dave likes blurry facials.
did you see scott take that blurry facial?

by Taylor Keith Gregory April 18, 2007

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Blurry Girl

A Blurry Girl is a quite, beautiful, and complicated girl.

Girl 1: what's wrong!
Girl 2: *cry*
Girl 1: Aw it's ok blurry girl!

by Blurrygirl January 23, 2010

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Blurry Skys

Peak definition of amazingness and gets gains at the gym.

Blurry Skys gets all the bitches

by Mr.Skys July 3, 2022

Blurry Insomnia

Blurry Insomnia is a guy who doesn't t have a life and spends his whole days looking at memes and screaming for the gods to have mercy upon him because he has anxiety and fear of socialising.

Guy1: "Have you seen the new meme Blurry Insomnia just posted?"
Guy2 : "Yeah its so good, shame he doesn't want to have a social life and friends"

by Wheezy July 20, 2018

Blurry Zebra

When a white girl vigorously jerks off a black man creating a blurred mess of white fingers over black cock.

Man, she was really pumping that thing; looked like a blurry zebra.

by Wordywordy January 18, 2017

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