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1. A hit of Crack Cocaine.

2.The process of getting high on Crack- to het high on Crack.

1. Hey man, give me a piece of that campaign to smoke up.

2. Hey man, let's buy a piece and get our campaign on.

by sunflower67 May 10, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


To out some on for being gay, true or not . by political means , in the rumor mill. At a corperation or in a town .
A mental bending over and buttslamming of someone , by insults.from the "Collective contiousness of a Town or Corperation .

1 He's so , not gay
2 There's nothing we can do , He was already campaigned .

by Lou Cypher July 13, 2006

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


casual causal voting & camping,could also allude to painful electricity shock at resort

Influenza caused me considerible dicomfort in the voter's campaign camp.

by Hercolena Oliver April 28, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

campaign whoring

When someone noone has heard of, and/or has no political knowledge or background, runs for an election for the sole purpose of attention.

"who is this Joe James running for senate?"
"Idk, must be campaign whoring"

by HbBrisley August 4, 2020

smear campaign

An extra-meaningful word similar to "slander".

"People like to run smear campaigns about the Bush Administration.....you'll also see LOTS of smear campaigns in high school."

by Dave May 19, 2004

229๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Campaign Cute

While working on long political campaigns with staff and interns you often lower your expectations because there is no one attractive on them.

Dude, I think she's hot.

Nah, she's just campaign cute

by poli intern July 26, 2010

Freelance Campaigner

An individual working for a political campaign with no political affiliations whatsoever. They get paid in cold hard cash and frequently work for multiple campaigns simultaneously.

My bro's a freelance campaigner and made $2500 working for a Senate campaign and voted for the other guy.

by JerseyJoe6262 September 23, 2010

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